Fight In the Hall

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Steroids? He's been doing steroids? You got the call from Namjoon at one in the morning. They forced Jungkook to admit it. You wanted to know how, but they refused to tell you so. It was a good thing your sister didn't wake up. This news made your stomach drop. Right when it left Namjoon's lips, you fell back into your bed. You were there when Jungkook had grown that sudden interest in steroids and for some reason you were blind to it. It's not like you knew the symptoms, but how could you rule it out? A large part of you wanted to deny Jungkook doing anything that was considered self-destructive. It made you feel awful to hear that Jungkook had fallen into that path. Namjoon and the rest of the members felt like it was their fault for not watching over the youngest one enough.

The call lasted for about an hour as you assured Namjoon that none of this was his fault. He was so upset with himself that he started to vent for a long time. You listened to every word and made sure to make him know that he was trying his best. It wasn't his fault that Jungkook had steroids readily available. They sold drugs for money way before they met you. It wasn't until now that Jungkook had grown an interest. Now you made a promise with Namjoon and the rest to keep Jungkook clean. This was a drug Namjoon didn't want anyone he cared about messing with. He let Yoongi smoke weed and cigarettes on the occasion, but the harder drugs were off limits. He kept criticizing himself for not catching that. When you got him to calm down, Namjoon said that today would be Jungkook's first day being clean no matter what.

And so that's what you wanted to see. Math class was starting, but Jungkook and Taehyung weren't in their seats at all. It was making you become impatient with everyone in the classroom. You came in hoping to see them, but at the same it was good that Jungkook wasn't here yet. If he was, you would have started a huge scene. You didn't know whether to yell at him first or throw something. They better show up to school because you were extremely close to ditching just to go to the warehouse. The school would call your house, but you could delete the message before your sister heard it. The bell rung, and you jumped out of your seat with your phone in hand. During Mr. Pyo's class, Taehyung had been texting you that they were dealing with Jungkook at the moment.

Hurrying out of the classroom, you spotted them down the hallway. Students were already crowding the small space to travel to their next class. They weren't going to stop you. Shoving past them, you made your way to the three boys. Jimin was standing behind them as Jungkook shook Taehyung off of him. Jungkook was trying to hold in his anger, but you could clearly see it on his face. His teeth were gritted, and his nostrils were flaring. Jimin pursed his lips while Taehyung didn't know what to do. The first years couldn't get the maknae to calm down which means the rest should come to help. Right?

"Jeon Jungkook." You walked up to them, meeting Jungkook's eyes. His eyes widened slightly as you stood in front of him with your arms crossed. "Why? Why did you get yourself into that? It makes no sense!"

"Shut up! You shouldn't have said anything." Jungkook took a step forward to you. "It's my life. You had no business in telling everyone that there was something up with me!"

"I was trying to help." You frowned. "This little habit of yours has been affecting not just me, but your friends too."

"I didn't ask for help. Now I feel like crap and they took all I had left!" Jungkook yelled. Everyone in the halls were walking slower, listening into the conversation. Many eyes were on the both of you, but you made sure not to mention the words 'steroids' or 'gang'. "I don't know what else you want from me because you're not getting a thank you. I'm fine being friends, but don't meddle with my problems or my life."

"Jungkook, this is for your own good." You felt tears forming at the corner of your eyes. He wasn't going to listen to you. He was still upset about losing his steroids and slowly dealing with his withdrawals. "Right now—"

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