Fallen Note

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It's been two weeks since your first day at school. Ever since that day, you've made attempts to become friends with some people. The ones you thought were kind enough at least. The last thing you wanted was to befriend someone dangerous because you were desperate. So far, the girls were kind of rude or had no intention in befriending you. Talking to guys was harder. Taehyung was really nice, but that's probably as far as you'll get. He's just friendly. The last option that you were looking for was Park Jimin. You always tried your best to talk to him during class. People have started to stare at you now and scoff all the time. The same wasn't for Jimin. People stared at him until he looked up then they quickly looked down. It was similar to how people behaved around Jungkook and Taehyung. It was kind of weird.

Either way, you kept pursuing Jimin with questions or just chatting to be with him whenever possible. It came to the point that whenever Ms. Lee-nim tells everyone to find partners, he looks at you right away. That means a lot of progress had been made! You're his go-to partner now which is really cool. He's super nice and fun to be silly around. You haven't completely gotten out of your shell with him, so you knew he was about the same. The two of you could joke around, but not like close friends would. That was going to be changing today! It's been two weeks and you want a friend already. Park Jimin, get ready!

"Walking around the track is kind of pointless," Jimin mumbled. Ms. Lee-nim ordered everyone to walk two laps around the track before it was possible to dress out. Everyone was walking with their friends and you managed to get Jimin to talk to you once again.

"Definitely." You agreed, taking a large step forward to get in front of him. Jimin glanced at you with a playful stare and took an even larger step. Is this how it's going to be? With a large grin on your face, you lowered yourself into a squat and took two large steps. It would have been the weirdest thing for people to witness you walking like that, but Jimin laughed.

"What was that?" He questioned with a big smile, combing his hair with his fingers.

"That's how I always walk." You suppress a giggle.

"Sure." Jimin shook his head. Most classes felt boring, but there was something exciting about physical education. You had a possible friend in this class. That was thrilling to think about.

Pulling out your phone, you checked what the time was. Teacher's didn't care about phones here. They were out no matter how much they took them away. You never made such a large distraction to the point a teacher got upset with you, but you certainly enjoyed how relaxed things were here. Most students would play music on their phones while they walked and that's what you were going to do. Jimin and you were almost done with your second lap and class was almost over. Ms. Lee-nim wasn't paying attention to her students, so you quickly played the first song on your playlist without headphones on. As soon as the song started to play, Jimin turned to look at what was causing the song to be heard.

"No headphones? Don't let Ms. Lee hear," Jimin warned.

"It's fine. She doesn't care about us anyway." You skipped in front of him as the song got to the chorus. It was an idol song that you had learned the dance to. This was your step forward in your friendship with him! Casually embarrassing yourself in front of them was such a friend thing to do. It was the song 'No No No' by Apink. "I learned this dance!" You giggled as you did a few of the moves.

By this time, everyone was getting off the track to go change. You did your best to do the moves in front of him. It's not like you were great at dancing. Your whole body was stiff, you were holding back, and you were occasionally off beat. Jimin laughed at your random show but became quiet as he watched you try. It got too embarrassing, so you stopped, but the music kept playing on your phone. You gave him a small smile, hoping that he didn't notice how pink your face must have been.

A Warehouse Full of Memories || BTS x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora