Issues and Decisions

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Another bad habit of your besides staring is not minding your own business. Yoongi specifically told you not to worry yourself about this. Even Hoseok tried to down play it for you, but you couldn't control yourself. It was weird. Jimin treated it like a good quality trait, but the more negative members didn't think so. There were moments when you knew your limits though. It's not like you were completely reckless. Today, you didn't know exactly what it would be considered. School ended and Seokjin drove you home right away. Yoongi was supposed to drive but Seokjin seems to like ignoring his gun shot wound. He keeps trying to do things he shouldn't be doing. So he drove you home like it was nothing, ignoring all the grumbles coming from his fellow third year.

The ride was full of loud boys talking over each other. The only one not speaking was you. All your focus was gone from their conversations. You were too busy in your mind, trying to come up with a way to find out what was going on. At the moment you were still trying to figure out what was best for you. Should you be more aware of the boys and their activities or is it better to stay clueless? Eventually you'll find out, but you had a feeling this wouldn't be too much of a big deal. Only Namjoon took the school day off and barely any of the members were aware of what was going on with him. That gave you a strong hint that this wasn't anything gang related. It was on a more personal level.

Namjoon and you weren't the closest in the group. You'd say Jimin and you were the closest while Namjoon was the fourth. All the first years were close and tight knit together. Then Yoongi was the one member you were not close to at all. You don't know why that always popped up in your head. A part of you wanted to make things right with him, but you also felt done from the rumors. He did join in saving you, but you knew he probably came for himself or the other members. As long as you don't bother him or get in his way, maybe he'll tolerate you more. He's certainly making an effort now that Seokjin is recovering. The two have been getting along better than before. Right when Seokjin dropped you off, Yoongi forced himself in the driver's seat.

They all waved back at you as they drove off to the warehouse. Even Yoongi acknowledge you so that's some slight improvement! But now you could start the plan you came up with in the car. As soon as the car disappeared from sight, you hurried into the apartment to drop off all your things. Changing out from your school uniform, you put a more comfortable outfit on. Unnie wasn't home and wouldn't be until much later in the night. In the clear as always! Grabbing a bag, you put a few things inside and went on your way to Namjoon's house. Yes, that's exactly what you were doing. The plan wasn't genius or anything, but it's all you came up with. You'd walk over to Namjoon's house to see if he'll confide in you.

The walk over there was mainly you running at full speed. You lost some trust being alone in the neighborhood and for good reason. Good thing Namjoon's house wasn't too far. There was no way you could make it to Namjoon's house without stopping and taking little breaks. You weren't that athletic. But as you kept powering through, you arrived in front of the pink haired man's house. It made wonder if his mother ever said anything about him dying his har. Has she even met his other friends or does she only know you? Whatever, there's no time for these questions! Buzzing the doorbell, you kept your hands together as you waited for someone to open the door. It was quiet outside for a while and you didn't hear anyone inside. Was no one home? This was pretty random of you. Looking down to your feet, you continued awkwardly standing in front of the door with one last bit hope.

Hearing the door click, you raised your head in shock. Soon the door cracked open to reveal the leader of the boys with messy hair. Has he even brushed it? It still looked cool with the way it was standing and it reminded you of cotton candy. Smiling at Namjoon, he had a completely different reaction to see you on his front door step. He poked his head out and checked if anyone else was around. The smile on your face slowly faltered to see him hesitating to let you in. This was bad timing. Namjoon gave you a small smile before opening the door wide open. Bowing down to him, he placed his hand on your shoulder to push you in. He quickly closed the door and locked it. Taking off your shoes, you put on some slippers and raised your head to him in confusion.

A Warehouse Full of Memories || BTS x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon