Good News

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It's been a day since meeting Hoseok's parents and you swear they were in your nightmare. It was hard to imagine someone like Hoseok getting raised by such people. Maybe most of his growth was with the members. Well however he formed his amazing personality, you're glad that you met him. All the members can agree with you on that. They consider him family in the end. Plus, he's Namjoon's best friend. He's important to the gang just like everybody else. Hoseok was most likely going to stay with the gang. At least that's what you believed since Seokjin went full on mafia boss the other day. He told Yoongi to handle the problem behind the scenes so now you have to wait to see what the blue hair did.

Currently, you were sitting on the green couch in the warehouse. Seokjin was eating food at the table, Yoongi was in the back still busy with something meanwhile Jungkook and Taehyung were on the couch with you. Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok weren't here. It was always disappointing when only a few of the members were here. This place really shined when they all stepped inside. They brought the warehouse to life. So far right now, Taehyung and Jungkook were going on about wanting a break to come already. The two first years were already done with the school year.

"I'll miss Mr. Pyo though." Taehyung chuckled to get a playful smack from Jungkook. That silver haired boy never left the poor man alone. One day Mr. Pyo will have his hair matching Taehyung's from all the stress this boy causes him. Jungkook never once told Taehyung to stop picking on their math teacher. He only sat back and laughed. That still didn't leave Mr. Pyo very fond of Jungkook. The two were friends and you were also in their group circle. Basically, Mr. Pyo hated three specific students in the back.

Laughing along with them, you enjoyed this relaxed moment though. Not everyone was here, but at least there were no deals going on. No crazy parents or rival gang members. Plus, no Unnie glaring at each boy you were with. Good thing she only knew of Seokjin. Sure, he was a third year which did make things worse for you, but it's better than Unnie finding out you hang out with seven boys in total. She also doesn't need to find out that you go with them to a hidden location every day after school until almost midnight.

Just hanging out with Seokjin got you a very disturbing lecture about older men. However she sees Seokjin, that's clearly a very distorted version of him. She believes he's this creepy older guy preying on young and impressionable girls. You could only imagine her reaction to your first year guy friends. The plus was that they were your age, but she would still give you a light lecture. Maybe about how younger boys have their hormones out of control and aren't mature enough for a serious relationship. Whatever is going on in her mind, you'll let her be. She's actually dated compared to you, but she hasn't had the best experiences. She means well but...she also needs better taste in men.

As you face palmed at Taehyung's ridiculous dream, Yoongi came out from the back room. Was he going to save you from this strange story? Jungkook was hunched over laughing as Taehyung spoke about his dream last night. Apparently, he was adopted by Mr. Pyo and he was still treated badly. Then Mrs. Pyo was basically Mr. Pyo with an afro. Yoongi came over and dragged the rusty chair towards him. He sat down backwards on the chair as he took a large bite out of his chocolate bar. Taehyung finished his strange story and Jungkook finally calmed down. Seokjin also threw his plastic plate away, now walking over with his hands in his pockets.

"I took care of business. Hoseok is staying at SuChin." Yoongi scratched his head. His voice was calm and tired, but the corners of his lips were slightly twitching upward.

"Ah, thank you. I knew I could count on you, Friend." Seokjin patted the blue hair. Yoongi didn't appreciate the affection, his face showing how much he had a distaste for it. Still, he didn't shove Seokjin's hands off his shoulders.

A Warehouse Full of Memories || BTS x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن