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Jungkook was showing you multiple sketches he's done. Some were fan art while others were his own designs. He started describing the world that they lived in to you. He flipped through the pages of his sketchbook and showed you a couple of backgrounds to get a better picture of the world they lived in. You praised him and asked him questions about anything you were curious about. It was obvious that Jungkook had spent a lot of time creating this world and plot. There was a twinkle in his eyes as he talked about certain scenes that he would really want in the game. Jungkook told you that they'd be unskippable, so players would have to sit and listen to the master piece. You told him you'd play it and a huge grin grew on his face. He's opened up so much to you and you were glad this friendship had grown stronger. Now you could be someone Jungkook trusted fullheartedly.

The two of you were sitting next to each other on the ground. It was lunch and the rest of the group was still waiting for the third years to show up. Jimin was showing Taehyung something on his phone and they kept cracking up. Namjoon and Hoseok were talking about whatever class they recently had together. At that moment, Yoongi pushed open the door with Seokjin following after him. The eldest stayed standing while Yoongi quickly sat down with the second years. Everyone stopped doing their owns things to look up at the black hair. He looked excited and nervous about something. Seokjin took a breath in with a smile on his face.

"Guys, I have big news," Seokjin said, using his hands to show how important this was.

"You're naming your first son after me?" Taehyung guessed. Jimin bended over laughing, repeatedly smacking his friend's leg.

"No. I had a talk with my counselor about my future today." Seokjin clapped his hands together. "I know what I'm doing."

"Are you going to college?" Namjoon lowered his apple.

"I think so. I'm going to be a model! I was recruited a few days ago by a legit agency." Seokjin bounced happily. "I'm going to be handsome worldwide! You'll see my face on magazines and all kinds of things!"

"Can a model be a thug?" Yoongi questioned. "If your face is everywhere, there's no doubt they'll recognize you and try to do something with your reputation."

That thought had never crossed your mind. You were too busy getting excited for Seokjin. Would he stil continue being in the gang if he became a model? It didn't sound like a good idea. It would risk his career heavily. Though you told Yoongi you wouldn't tell the members to stop being gangsters, you felt it would be the right choice for the eldest member. He should be mature enough to realize that himself. Some of the members could accept letting their hyung go off while three were more hesitant. They liked how things were and didn't want to see any change. That you could understand in a sense. They're family, they consider each other brothers. The gang had bonds with each other that you'd never seen before. You doubt you even had a bond like that with anyone else. Not even with your own sister and the two of you are connected by blood.

"I thought about that already. I'm just a getaway driver and I can always wear a mask." Seokjin grinned. Trying to hide your frown, you reminded yourself to not be nosey. Yoongi can still get quite mean with you despite everything.

"I guess." Yoongi tossed a piece of chocolate in his mouth.

"Well, as long as you're smart about it." Namjoon smiled softly. Seokjin was relieved to hear that. He finally sat down with the biggest smile on his face. Hoseok set down his food with a nervous expression.

"I think I know what I'm gonna do when I get out of school too," Hoseok said, making everyone turn to him. "I'd like to try being a hairdresser."

"That's perfect for you, Hyung!!" Taehyung cheered.

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