The Start of it All

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Namjoon's P.O.V.


Hoseok and I played video games for the longest time. When it was finally getting late, the red head decided to call it a night. He said goodbye to my Mom before leaving the house. I was happy to have him over since it's been a long time. Mom always asks me how Hoseok or the rest of the gang are. Especially (F/n) ever since they met. For some reason, Mom really thinks I should date her. It was embarrassing to think about. She's just a friend! Then the gang never really comes over to just hang out though. Everything usually ends up being becoming about the gang or the deals. I can't let Mom know that I've gotten myself involved in that. So far, I've kept this secret since I was a first year. She doesn't know about any of it. There's hasn't even been a time where she was close to finding out. Mom has been surpsingly clueless about it. She doesn't mind the fact that I dye my hair too much and thinks I just do it because my friends do it.

Technically the gang does it to separate ourselves from society. School wants us to all look the same. Our uniforms have to be perfectly put on and our thoughts should be controlled. That's at least what I've grown to see it as. I still make attempts to be a good student, but what's the point? SuChin isn't a great school. Colleges won't be going crazy over me. I'm not the greatest student at school anymore. It's been a long time since I've shed that reputation. Turning off the console, I laid down on the floor to look up at the ceiling. The gang was everything to me, so I didn't worry too much about college or anything like that. Mom never asked me about school anymore. She probably wanted me to go to college, but I don't think I'll go. It just sounds like a waste of time and money to me.

Rubbing my temples, I tried to get comfortable on the floor. It wasn't too night, but I felt like taking a nap. The problem was that I kept thinking about what Hoseok said. He better not leave. Well, I don't want to control the actions of my friends or members. They should be able to decide for themselves. I just didn't like the idea of the gang ending so soon. We've only been a gang for about two years. I didn't want to act like I was some kind of God, but the gang has saved the lives of some of the members. They found a place to call home amongst the members. When I first met Yoongi, he really needed us. He had heavy things going on in his life. Hoseok was fine but joined as a good friend. Seokjin found himself in the gang. They all have their own reasons for joining the gang and staying.

Closing my eyes, my mind wandered off into the past. All the bad memories came flooding in first. The ones about the man called my father. When I used to have a real future. The truth is, I could've been an amazing student with a bright future. But it was taken away by my father. He used to have a decent paying job where he'd wear a suit and talk to clients. I just remember watching him tighten his tie in the morning, wave goodbye at me while I watched cartoons, and he'd go off to work. Those were the black and white memories I've tried to forget. We used to be a cute, little happy family. Father always praised me for my hard work when I was younger. Then Mom was just a house wife who took care of me with a smile and did the hard chores.

All that came crashing down when father grew an interest in gambling. That d*mn f*cker wouldn't come home for what felt like days. He'd be out at casinos and clubbing. He never really got drunk at that point. No, he started getting in debt first. The money he earned from work didn't go to our family anymore. Instead it went to the habit that one of his clients had introduced him to. Father went crazy over gambling and let it destroy our family. Mom and him fought nonstop whenever they got the chance to. It was always hard to listen to. Then he got fired from his work. Did that stop him? Did that give him a slap into reality? Not in the slightest. He tried using anything he could. Pawning Mom's jewlery and leaving us in a bigger hole.

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