Great Addition

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Kim Namjoon

Being pregnant wasn't necessarily easy, but you felt like you had a better understanding seeing as this was your third time. The first time you were pregnant with Eunkyung was a complete roller coaster. You were alert of literally everything around you as if even a plastic cup was your enemy. Looking back, you could see how ridiculous you were. At the time though, you believed you were just being cautious and caring for your first child. What you wanted was for the pregnancy to go smoothly which it did. The first time you gave birth was a struggle, but only about eight hours. It wasn't too bad. Ms. Kim was very proud of you after you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Namjoon and you were ecstatic. Maybe a little too ecstatic.

Namjoon didn't really waste much time getting down to work seeing as your next baby was only a year apart from Eunkyung's. Everyone was shocked when you announced that you were pregnant again. There were a lot of cheers when you first told them about Eunkyung. They were happy for you including Yoongi who declared himself the second father. That bugged Namjoon, but you shrugged it off. When the news of Hakkun's pregnancy was out, they all had delayed reactions. In the end, they were all happy for you again. Except Yoongi was clicking his tongue, Seokjin told Namjoon to slow down, and Hoseok offered to buy the two of you condoms.

The teasing wasn't appreciated by Namjoon, but it was good for him to hear. Especially since giving birth to Hakkun was painful. Somehow that boy managed to be worse than your first. He took over twelve hours and he finally came out at one in the morning. You were sweating like a hog and he was crying nonstop. That birth didn't feel as pretty. Any excitement of having another kid was put on hold seeing as Hakkun required a lot of attention. Eunkyung wasn't even that difficult as a newborn. She has her moments when you felt stressed out, but Hakkun took it to another level. Namjoon sensed that as he did his best to help you and asked his mom to help out when she could.

Now Eunkyung was three and Hakkun is two. She's a cheerful girl who always has a smile on her face, wanting to share the joy with everybody. She's a smart girl too with a heart full of kindness. She's an actual gem. Though she did call every man she saw 'Appa' when she was younger. It was mainly Yoongi's doing that caused that to happen. It started with Eunkyung calling Yoongi that then Taehyung and slowly all the boys in the gang were apparently Eunkyung's father for a good year. She doesn't make that mistake anymore. It was embarrassing in the beginning. You're just glad that Namjoon didn't take it personally and all the boys politely corrected her every time. Aside from Yoongi.

Hakkun was a completely different case. He was his own bundle of joy and sweetness. He's a shy one who made you worry a lot in the beginning. It took him longer to speak than Eunkyung which made you question if he was having issues. It felt like his words were incredibly limited at first, but doctors told you that he was fine. Now you could see that he was just extremely shy. He becomes a chatter box when he's at home and depending on who is around. Of course, sometimes it's hard to understand what he's saying for everyone, but he's adorable. Now that Namjoon and you were feeling control over your lives again, the man got you pregnant once more.

This one will be your last. Your experience with Hakkun's pregnancy was a draining and exhausting one. As beautiful as pregnancy can be, you were done. Namjoon understood that and agreed that this third child would be the last one. Pregnancy with this little one has had its up and downs. You were currently in your eighth month since officially today. One more month to go through! You weren't huge as you thought you would be, but it was alright. That helped give you less back pains which Ms. Kim knew a lot about. The two of you were currently at her home while the kids played around in the living room floor together.

"Namjoonie gave me such a tough time!" Ms. Kim slapped her knee, sighing heavily. "Have I told you before?"

"Yes, you have." You giggled as she clicked her tongue.

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