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It took ten minutes for Hoseok and you to agree on a brown. Whenever you chose one that you thought would look nice, he said it wouldn't compliment her skin tone. He shot down most of the ones you chose. Sometimes he wouldn't even tell you why and just gave you a look. It made you feel embarrassed for even looking at caramel brown as an option. Finally, he accepted the color you grabbed randomly because you were tired. Not only were you sleepy but you also ran here with all you had in you. Hoseok smiled widely as he took the dye and left with the purchased item with you.

He's a joy, but right now you were drained of energy. Since it was night and hard to see past twenty feet, Hoseok refused to let you walk home alone. It was too dark and scary for a girl to walk alone. That's what he said in hopes to convince you to follow him over to Namjoon's house. At this point, you might just ask Namjoon if you can stay over again. You got too lazy to decline his request and Namjoon's house was just a few blocks away. Maybe you could just rest up a little bit there and then one of the boys can take you home later. That sounded nice.

Hoseok opened Namjoon's front door without a care. He made sure to loudly announce his presence. Namjoon was sitting at the kitchen table, looking at his phone with a bored gaze. He ran a hand through his hair, about to tell his friends something until he saw your small form taking off your shoes. Hoseok didn't say a thing about you. He walked down the hall, calling Ms. Kim to let her know that he got the hair dye. He raised the box high as you began following him, but Namjoon quickly stumbled out of his chair. It toppled over as he reached his hand out towards you.

"(F/n), what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home by now?" Namjoon glanced at a clock.

"Yep, but Hoseok said it's not safe to go by myself." You yawned. "I'm gonna wait until he finishes with your mom's hair."

"You're actually gonna do that?" Namjoon raised a brow.

"Why not? I want to say hi to your mom anyway." You walked over to the bathroom that immediately grew cramped with your presence.

Hoseok had gloves on as he squeezed the life out of a tube into a bottle. He looked like an expert with how quick he was doing it. The directions were tossed aside as if they were nothing. Once Ms. Kim saw you at the doorway, she immediately grew excited. She squealed, waving her hands around which made Hoseok jump around. You wanted to jump with them. The mood was exciting, but you still felt like crashing down on your bed. Normally, you didn't get this tired. Bowing your head to Ms. Kim, she hummed happily as Hoseok shook the bottle of dye. He did this for a while until it was ready.

"I'm so happy to see you, (F/n)! Has Namjoon seen you?" She asked. "NAMJOON! GET OVER HERE!"

"Eomma, really?" Namjoon poked his head into the tiny space.

"I want to see you appreciating your future wife." Ms. Kim smiled, but it almost looked like a smirk.

Hoseok laughed at her comment. He agreed with her completely and told Namjoon to embrace you. What the actual heck? Ms. Kim nodded and told Namjoon to just take you into his arms. Now you didn't feel as tired. It was hard to remain sleepy when your face was on fire and the boy next to you was the same. He sighed heavily, shaking his head at his mother's words. You were utterly speechless to hear that. 'Marry her' and 'I'd like you to date' was typical. Not 'take her in your arms and runaway with her!' What kind of drama is this? Namjoon made sure to send a quick glare in Hoseok's path for making his mom say such embarrassing things.

"We're still friends," Namjoon said, crossing his arms. He now fully stood in the doorway with you.

"You say that like it won't change." Ms. Kim frowned.

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