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Yoongi's P.O.V.


The question Seokjin had asked me last night was still bothering me. Of course, I was going to stay with the gang. There shouldn't be another f*cking option. But then he went on to when the gang won't exist because we sure as hell won't be doing deals when we're sixty. I don't know. What am I supposed to do? Today I've been walking around the warehouse since it was night already. I wasn't ready to go to bed just yet. D*mn it, I really didn't want the gang to be over yet. I wanted to blame it on (F/n) and I did in the past, but even if she weren't in our lives the gang would still come to an end eventually. It's not like we're looking for new members to pass the gang onto next. This was just for us. No one else could have this family that we formed. It was only ours. No outsiders.

Kicking a small rock in my way, I watched it roll over into a ditch. It was possible to feel all kinds of pebbles underneath my boots. This place was littered with trash. Even right now, I have to be careful not to step on broken glass. The outside wasn't so pretty. What mattered to me was the warehouse. That place meant a lot to me. It gives me freedom, plus all the memories I have with the gang. Staring over at the large building, I could feel myself slowly smirk. Thanks to Taehyung, the gang has a place to hide out at. A place to proudly be themselves than some stupid park. Walking back towards the warehouse, I figured my walk for the day was over. It's not like I'm going to figure out the answer to Seokjin's question tonight. For now, I'll be with the gang for as long as I can.

Entering inside of the warehouse, my fingers played with my right earring as I went over towards the closet. It was already past midnight, so I might as well go to bed. It's weird. Sometimes I feel so tired that I can fall asleep anywhere. Then there are moments where I can't fall asleep at all and it's like torture. When I slept over at (F/n)'s apartment, I'd say that was the only time I ever felt completely comfortable sleeping. There was nothing to be alert of. Only the first night I had trouble, but after that I was completely okay. Opening the closet door, I took out the blankets and brought it over to the couch. Time to hopefully knock out.

Kicking off my shoes, I collapsed onto the couch and covered myself with the heavy blankets. They managed to help keep me warm in this place. The warehouse mainly had a friendly feel because of the memories and the gang. When I stayed here alone, the image slightly changed. It's a lot better than where I used to live though. There were no actual doors in the warehouse except for the closets. Not even the roof was completed. There was a couple gaps in the ceiling that let you see the sky. All this let the place freeze up at night. Nothing really held the heat inside, but I managed with these blankets. Closing my eyes that hurt to keep open, I slowly felt myself relax. I'm going to sleep now and it's going to be okay.


Was I asleep? It didn't feel like it. Everything around me felt so real. The ground beneath me was clearly soil. My surroundings were nothing but a dump. A lot of smoke was in the sky, homeless people were burning things for warmth, and...the trailer home. It looked the same as when I left it. Why am I even here? Taking a step, I felt my body fall forward. The f*ck? I looked down to see my foot had sunk into a muddy puddle. Poking out of the puddle was a broken mirror that showed my reflection. My hair wasn't a faded blue anymore. It was white. I haven't had this color since...wait, what year is it?

Swallowing hard, I brought my hands up to my hair as I brought my foot out of the mud. The trailer home was there and I'm here with white hair. No yells were coming from inside it so was it safe to enter? No, it was never safe to go inside. That was a stupid question. Scoffing, I was getting ready to turn around until I heard a familiar voice call me hyung. It was coming from inside the trailer home and my heart fell. The door opened to reveal my younger brother. He poked his head out and smiled to see me standing here. Forgetting about all my worries, I rushed over to him with a relieved grin. He's actually here! He's fine. He was so clear and I could feel myself hugging him. It was really him.

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