Ignoring Takes Effort

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The next day of school had come and the members were back in school. The thought would have been more exciting if it weren't for that rumor destroying your mood. There was a lot of questions you had about the rumors and a lot of pent up screams of frustration. It's not like that would do any good. You had no idea how to fix the problem. Hanging out with them was going to leave you in the same spot or possibly make it worse. When you came to school, you didn't come to math class right away. Instead you wandered the campus until you actually had to go to class. Luckily, Jungkook and Taehyung didn't think anything of it.

Stepping into math class felt like a different experience now that you knew the reasons for their stares. It made you glare harder at them, but also keep your head down with your hair in front of your face. Jungkook and Taehyung were talking to each other when you sat down in your chair. You didn't say hello to them and went to grab your notebook. The two were in the middle of a conversation anyway. It was a little sad. This silence was going to be awful. You wanted to ask how the supplying went, if they were okay, if anything had gone wrong. They seemed to be fine. Not a single scratch on them that they didn't already have. Taehyung appeared vibrant as he laughed while Jungkook stayed quiet.

Jungkook just watched Taehyung move his hands around, exaggerating a story about his experience in a convenience store. You didn't want to stare. That was a bad habit of yours that you were fixing. But one thing you noted about Jungkook was how his face didn't glow like it always did. His skin came off as greasy which you never thought would be possible. All the boys had perfect skin. It really wasn't your problem though. Shoving your face into your notebook, you ignored the two boys in front of you for your own good. Mr. Pyo was going to teach math and you were going to pay attention no matter what. Who cares if you're still clueless by the end of it! Math is hard!

"Hello, (F/n)~!" Taehyung turned to you with his grin. Jungkook looked at you over his shoulder, waiting for a response as well.

"Erm, hi," You muttered, scribbling harder in your notebook.

"I can't hear you." Taehyung teased.

"I need to catch up in math so yeah...I'm gonna work on this." You tried to be remotely believable. Taehyung's puppy eyes didn't twinkle as bright once you said that. He nodded and slowly shifted back into his seat. Jungkook kept his gaze on you for a while before turning too.

This sucked a lot. There was no winning situation to this it felt like. Ignoring the boys ruined all the work you had put in to befriend them and telling them would only get them upset with the other students. Taehyung would probably try to fight people while Yoongi wouldn't give a crap. Either way, you were going to continue your current route. You wanted to spend some time alone and think on what to do. The guys could be a little distracting. Not in a bad way, but you did find out about the rumor once they were no longer here to block out the school's lies.

Math was uneventful like the day before this one. Jungkook and Taehyung actually sat in front of you, but you chose to ignore them. The silver haired boy was bummed out that he couldn't talk to you since he wanted to respect your attempts to get it together in class. Jungkook on the other hand didn't say a word to your face. He had a different air around him that you couldn't quite figure out. It almost felt like he knew you were purposely ignoring them. It's not like you were being obvious so that was farfetched. For the rest of the class, you listened to Mr. Pyo drone on.

Then when class ended, you immediately told Jungkook and Taehyung that you would be going to the bathroom. They can't follow you in there and even if they tried, it wouldn't end well. Plus, they would never question you going to the bathroom. When you have to go, you have to go! But you didn't need to at the moment. A large part of you felt bad for lying to them. You just had to be alone today, figure stuff out, and see what happens. As you took your first step out of Mr. Pyo's classroom, Jimin was already standing outside with his arms behind his back.

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