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After Yoongi was discovered, Seokjin felt it was best to bring the problem back to the warehouse. Did he not remember Namjoon's words? He made them promise not to have Yoongi around. Too late for that reminder. The ride back was extremely awkward. They didn't understand where Yoongi came from or why he was in your apartment. You didn't bother to tell them much since you would have to reveal it all at the warehouse. Seokjin looked through the rear-view mirror to watch the uncomfortable boys in the back. Yoongi sat in the middle of the first years to make sure they didn't try to start something else. Jimin regretted his actions almost immediately after Yoongi knocked some sense into him. Jungkook was cooling down from the fight.

Then there was you. Staring out the window and internally screaming in the passenger's seat. It was hard to process the events that just occurred. Did Jimin seriously start a fight with Jungkook over you? Just thinking about it made you want to groan and shrivel up. You didn't think those two would go that far. There's going to be a lot of talking at the warehouse. Seokjin went back to focusing on the road as he turned onto the narrow street for the warehouse. He ignored a homeless man screaming for money and parked in front of the giant building. All of you were going to be here for a while. Slowly exiting the car, you turned to look at Yoongi who just kept walking. He didn't even spare you a glance which hurt. Hopefully, if he's forgiven by the gang then he won't go back to being his hateful self towards you.

Seokjin put his hand on your back to push you forward. He made sure to keep an eye on the younger boys. They coughed awkwardly as they entered the building. Yoongi stood at the entrance, but hesitated to walk in. Taehyung and Hoseok were playing a game while Namjoon was opening a can. The two playing their game didn't notice everyone coming back in, but Namjoon raised his brows. Before he could welcome everyone back, his eyes landed on you. Little did he know that he had another surprise waiting for him. The pink hair straightened his back and opened his mouth to ask until Seokjin motioned for the surprise to come inside. Yoongi took slow, small steps inside and gave Namjoon a weak smile. The expression on the leader changed right away.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Namjoon raised his voice to catch the attention of the other two members. "You guys promised me!"

"Namjoon, I'm sorry." Seokjin sighed. "But more problems just keep coming up and we have to deal with them."

"What do you mean more problems?" Namjoon furrowed his brows. Seokjin silently shoved Jungkook and Jimin in front of him. The three members at the table took a close look to see that they had been a fight. Yoongi didn't have a new scratch on him so it couldn't be his fault. Besides, Jungkook and Jimin refused to look at each other. This made you feel guilty for causing a bump in their relationship. "What happened?"

"They fought over a certain someone." Seokjin glanced at you, making your face burn bright red. Taehyung stood up from his chair in shock. He rushed over and grabbed Jimin by the shoulders, looking him over first.

"Jiminie..." Taehyung frowned before staring at Jungkook. "Why would you two do that? Jungkook, I can't belie—"

"I started the fight. I hit him first..." Jimin admitted, making Taehyung's eyes open wide.

"Jimin why?" Taehyung perplexed. He held onto Jimin tightly for some time. Then he took his hands off and nodded. "No, I know why. I'm just shocked."

"Yoongi separated us before it got worse. Seokjin couldn't even stop us," Jungkook stated as Hoseok came closer to the rest of the group.

Namjoon remained by the table. He wanted to come closer, but a certain male prevented him from doing so. Hoseok pursed his lips at Yoongi who looked to the side in shame. It made you wonder why he would be feeling that. He's practically gotten the forgiveness of everyone, but Namjoon. He helped stop Jungkook and Jimin from killing each other. Not to mention he's gained a new friend on his little journey. He's repented for his past actions and is working on really changing himself. Hoseok told Yoongi to lift his head which took the blue hair a while. Then he finally looked up to see the red hair smiling at him. Taehyung was even happy to see him back at the warehouse and Seokjin was at peace.

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