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Hoseok's P.O.V.


Did he seriously take a nap in the middle of our conversation? Oh hyung. Only Yoongi is bold enough and sleepy enough to pull this kind of sh*t. Guess I should go exploring. No one seems to be coming to the warehouse today. At least I got to talk to Yoongi. I'll just see the other members at school tomorrow then. Getting up from the table, I start walking out of the warehouse with a pep in my step. The sun was shining brightly and hitting my skin. It wasn't too bad with the light breeze in the air. Taking walks could always be fun! It felt nice to just appreciate the scenery even if some things weren't so pleasant to look at. That's okay though!

Since Yoongi was busy sleeping, I decided to just head home. All the other members were probably busy too. Sucks to be them. I'm such a delight to be around! During my whole walk, I waved to strangers on the streets and cats just passing by. They both looked startled, but it didn't bother me at all. Maybe the red hair was a bold statement. It was my favorite hair color while my normal favorite color is green. Playing with a rock on the ground, I kicked it hard one last time to leave it alone. The little stone bounced off a tree and got lost in tall grass. I looked up at the tall tree in awe. It was the tallest tree in town and towered over a lot of the buildings. Personally, it was my favorite tree since it created a lot of shade and stretched out into the sky. It was beautiful to me, so I made sure to apologize for hitting it with the rock.

All the weird looks I got from people slowly disappeared. They were used to me and there were much crazier people out here. Just a second ago, I saw a homeless person acting as if they were talking to a dog. Instead of a dog, they were talking to a squirell that had been run over. That was a little unsettling, but I just had to walk away faster. The walk home took almost an hour since I lived pretty far from the town. Towards the edge of the town is where my house sat. One that my parents struggled to afford constantly. Sometimes I just want to be living in a dump or homeless, so I don't have to live constantly in fear that I don't have a stable home. But it's not like my parent's will listen to me or my sister.

My sister was currently in her second year of middle school so she's an eighth grader. As I went up to my house, I couldn't help but sigh at how fake it felt. Homes were supposed to feel different. I don't know. It's not like I knew how they were supposed to feel. I just imagined they would feel like how the warehouse did with the gang. My house looked nicer then the other houses around, but it was all a lie. Stepping inside the house, I closed the door to see a lot going on already. Haeun, my sister was doing her homework on a new coffee table that I had never seen before. Dad was walking around in his suit that he seemed to live in. He didn't even have a job that required him to wear one! Then Mom came into the living room wearing a new dress with sparkingling jewelry. Please tell me she already owned them or that they're fake.

Mom adjusted her earrings as she looked at the mirror. Haeun smiled to see me back home while my parents kept running around. Where they going out tonight? Mom patted her hair for the billionth time and checked herself once more. It was annoying to put up with, but I made sure to smile at them. Dad was already glaring at me, so I think he already saw me jugding his wife. That's always nice. Haeun instantly put her head down as Dad past her to put his hands on Mom's shoudlers. He assured her that she looked fine. Once she finally agreed with the words coming out of his mouth, she turned towards the door and jumped at the sight of me.

"Oh Hoseok! When did you arrive?" She asked, playing with the jewlwery on her wrist. I don't think she cared. They were in a hurry, but I liked to take these chances. They were all I could get from them. I know the other members hated my parents and I could see why. I just still made attempts to try with them.

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