Just Friends

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Knowing that Jungkook was on the path to recovery let you sleep peacefully last night. It made you extremely proud that he was trying. You were also worried for when he told you what the boys were doing. They were trying to reduce the amount Jungkook took in for his safety and then completely take it away, so he doesn't deal with strong withdrawals. The thing was, they were doing it at a quicker pace that it did cause Jungkook to have some problems. He's been pushing through, but it's still painful to see. Jungkook was texting you in the morning. Namjoon made him write a list of reasons not to do steroids and Jungkook decided to send it to you as a reminder. Some of his reasons were sweet and some were a little silly. Anything to keep him off steroids.

The first reason was that it angered his hyungs and caused issues in the gang. The second reason was because he didn't want to make you worry or hurt you again. The third reason was because he wanted clear skin. The acne was symptom as well as the yellowish skin that made him look sick. Jungkook wrote a long paragraph about how he does care for his looks a bit. The fourth reason was because he wanted genuine and healthy muscles. He used to be an athlete and worked out to form any new muscles. He wanted to get back on track with that instead of using a cheap way. The fifth reason was that he didn't want to remain addicted to something forever. Jungkook didn't like feeling useless unless he took the drug. These were all valid reasons and you knew he would keep his promise to become clean.

Mr. Pyo's class went a lot differently than you had thought it would today. Jungkook showed up to school despite dealing with some intense withdrawals. You immediately scolded Taehyung, questioning why his tapering process wasn't working. What Jungkook didn't tell you was that he was one of the main reasons the process was going quicker than it should. He wanted to be clean already for you. Shaking your head, you watched as poor Jungkook slouched over in his seat. He was so tired, and he obviously wasn't doing so well. Taehyung told you that he had spent most of the night in the warehouse throwing up. In the morning, Jungkook didn't feel like eating but Seokjin made him eat toast anyway.

Jungkook was giving Taehyung a cold stare for revealing all this information. He most likely didn't want you to know he was struggling so much. You wanted to let him know that it was okay. He didn't always have to be strong in front of you. If ever he felt like he was vulnerable, you wanted him to know he was safe to be that way around you. Mr. Pyo kept glancing over at Jungkook who was sweating buckets. The brunette was getting chills and his stomach wasn't handling the breakfast very well. Finally, Mr. Pyo brought it up.

"Jeon Jungkook, are you okay?" He closed his book.

"Agh...yeah, I'm f-fine." Jungkook gave a weak smile.

"No, you're not." You sighed as Taehyung shot up from his desk. He raised his hand straight in the air.

"Mr. Pyo! I can take him to the nurse." Taehyung grinned. Mr. Pyo lowered down his glasses to look the energetic boy in the eyes.

"Kwon (F/n), help Jungkook to the nurse," He said as Taehyung fell to his seat with a pout.

Getting up from your seat, you wrapped Jungkook's arm around your shoulder to help lift him up. He originally was resisting, shaking his head, and even tried smacking your hands away. All his attempts were futile in the end. The withdrawals made him weak, so he had to suck it up. The two of you left the classroom and made a slow journey to the nurse's office. The hallways were long and empty. Each foot step seemed to echo. Then there was the occasional shout in the classrooms from disruptive students. Jungkook clutched onto you as you were about to open the nurse's door.

"Don't open the door." He panted.

"Why? You need help." You frowned, pushing away some of his damp bangs that had gotten stuck to his forehead.

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