Better Together

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Kim Seokjin

It was hard to say you were fully living the dream. It's been about two months since you've started dating Seokjin. It sort of happened out of nowhere. Of course, the two of you had your little 'thing' back in Australia, but he made it official all by himself in front of all the boys. That was embarrassing, but that also made your heart flutter. Seokjin and you were together! You couldn't stop squealing about it. Seokjin drove you back home in his black truck like old times which made you feel warm and fuzzy. It was like having a memory play back again so vividly. As soon as you got home, you were jumping in joy while Hyosung unnie was telling you to calm down. Calm down? How could you do that?!

There was no way you were going to calm down and Hyosung had to learn that the hard way. That was basically your entire mood for the entire first month of being with Seokjin. He was starting off with little modeling jobs and you considered yourself the biggest supporter he had. Taehyung was second behind you since he promised to buy everything with Seokjin's face on it. You're a little tight on money, but you'll try to! Unnie told you not to go overboard, so you'll try your best. All you wanted was to be a supportive girlfriend. The title still made your heart flutter. It was the best thing ever.

Not all the boys were chirpy that you were with Seokjin. Some of them got over it faster while some were almost hoping it wouldn't last. They'd never tell that to your face though. Your relationship with Seokjin just started and you wanted to go the distance with Seokjin. You really did. He meant a lot to you for everything that he did back when you were a first year and him a third year in SuChin. He repaired your relationship with unnie, drove you around, and looked after you. He flirted and messed with your heart a lot, but he kept his promise. He waited for you to become a Queen.

He stuck to his word so you wanted to trust him. You wanted to believe this relationship wouldn't come crumbling down the moment something not so good happened. You weren't exactly sure if this thing currently happening was considered not so good. It certainly didn't feel that great. Seokjin was off at a photoshoot that would be really huge for his career. He was taking off so you didn't want to trouble him. The last thing you wanted was to be a burden in his eyes seeing as you don't even go to college and you don't know what you want to be in life. It made you feel pathetic standing next to him, but you couldn't focus on that right now.

Two months since you've been together with Seokjin and you were currently hunched over a toilet. That wasn't a good thing whatsoever. You've been stuck here for hours, struggling to hold in any food. Hyosung unnie went to work to run her boutique and you were too afraid to call her. Too scared to confirm what this be may. You were really scared. There was no other way to put it, but those few words were enough to have you bawling your eyes out. It was impossible to move away from the bathroom. You felt hopeless as you sat on the bathroom floor, begging for your stomach to settle down. You wished this was food poisoning or just a simple upset stomach.

The pregnancy tests hidden at the bottom of the trash said otherwise.

Dang it. Shutting your eyes tightly, you let a few more tears escape you as your body felt exhausted. There was finally some peace in the cramped apartment you lived in. It seemed like you would be okay for now though morning sickness didn't really stick to its name. It happened whenever it pleased and it could be the most brutal experience. This has been happening for about a week now. No one knew. Unnie always left to work before she could see anything. You were also afraid to tell her.

What would she think? What would your family think? Weak whimpers left you as you worried about how Seokjin would take this. All it took was that one time in that Australian hotel. Balling your hands up into fists, you pleaded in your head that Seokjin wouldn't abandon you. Hopefully he takes the news well and stays by your side. Hopefully your parents don't disown you for getting pregnant before marriage. You didn't plan for this to happen either so all you wanted was some understanding from them. That's all. And you're going to start with your unnie.

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