It's Over Now

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Jimin's P.O.V.


The ride over to the old factory felt like forever. No one spoke a word as we went 40 over the speed limit. Taehyung made a joke that we would die in a car crash before saving (F/n). That was ill timed and he shut up instantly. Hoseok was the only one who was allowed to speak. Even so he didn't say much, he was being the bridge between Seokjin and Yoongi. The two still weren't talking to each other after what happened in the warehouse. I wanted them to get over it and put their feelings aside for (F/n), but the hyungs could be so dramatic. Seokjin would ask for directions and Hoseok would have to ask Yoongi. That meant after Yoongi answered, Hoseok would have to tell Seokjin. Namjoon was growing antsy in the back with us since he liked things to go fast.

Digging my nails into my thighs, I looked out the window with panic. It was hard to know which factory when all of them were abandoned and were nothing, but shadows with the moonlight glowing over them. It was getting close to midnight which was the cut off time according to the envelope. They've had (F/n) since the afternoon and that made me sick to my stomach. It was infuriating to imagine them terrifying her to death. Yoongi eventually pointed out which factory we had to go into. It was time for me to go out. We never officially came up with a plan, but we all knew what our jobs were. I was still the spy. Hoseok would try and talk to the others with Yoongi right next to him. Jungkook and Namjoon would burst in if anything went wrong. Taehyung was going to help handle people going rogue. Seokjin had the hardest job in my opinion. He was worried for (F/n), but was forced to stay in the car. Ready to drive off with a breathing (F/n) or not.

Namjoon opened the car door while the truck was still moving at a fast speed. Crouching down, I gave my goodbyes as I jumped out. My hands touched the hard ground first as I tucked my head, lowering my body to roll on my back. Soon I was on my feet and running with my head down. They dropped me off where I assumed was the back entrance of the giant factory. Making my way to the steal doors, there was no one patrolling around. Lifting my head up, I peeked through the dirty windows to see a flashlight moving around inside. Great. Looking down to the ground, I spotted a two decently sized rock by my foot. Picking up the smooth stone, my thumb rubbed its cold surface before smashing it through the tiny window. The flashlight immediately came my way as I grabbed the second stone. I tossed it into a bush as the door opened. The person ran towards the movement in the bush while I was hidden in the dark.

Perfect. Holding onto the door, I slipped inside the building. We were wearing all black so it was easy to move around in the darkness. The only thing I had to get used to was having bright colored hair which I learned when I had orange hair. My feet stayed low to the ground, but I didn't drag them. They were like soft hops as I made my way through the building. There was a specific room that I spotted dim lights and blurry figures standing in. That must be all the members from the gang. Dirty windows were hiding their true identities from me. Crawling under tables with thousand of rusty trinkets, I was growing impatient to get to (F/n). She needed to be saved already. Suddenly, the lights in the room that I was in lit up. The black that helped engulf me vanished and here I was under a table like a child afraid of lightening.

Footsteps were heard from above. Someone was walking on the metal stairs. They didn't lead anywhere but gave a perfect view of everything happening underneath. Now that I couldn't hide in the dark, it was hard to move. They had sight and hearing me shuffle would immediately get me spotted. Swearing inside my head, I was hoping that maybe Taehyung could help me out. This wasn't going down the way I had hoped which was to be expected. We didn't know the layout beforehand, we have no idea how they fight, and the more I thought about it the more I got frustrated. I don't fight people. I just watch and make sure everything is safe and clear for my members. Fighting was something I didn't like to do, but I've done it before. There are just some things I won't do because of my morals and the promise I made in the beginning. I will never use a weapon, do drugs, or kill someone. Even though the last one was very tempting.

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