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Too much happened last night. Yoongi was discovered to have been trying to steal power right from under Namjoon. That led to him getting beat up by some of his members. Since the warehouse is where he lives, he had no place to go and was really desperate. He wouldn't have come to you if he weren't. Or he knows you'll be kind enough to let him stay. You had trouble sleeping through the night. Not because he basically sexually harassed you for the second time and you guys had to sleep in a small space, no. You were surprisingly fine with that. The reason you had trouble sleeping was because Yoongi kept moving around on the floor. He talked in his sleep.

It wasn't cute little words of nonsense. He didn't lightly roll over to the other side. You thanked the universe that your sister didn't wake up. Unnie was luckily a deep sleeper while you weren't. Yoongi shifted back and forth, muttering 'no' multiple times. He shielded himself in his sleep and sounded like he was begging for mercy. It terrified you to no end and you almost believed he was awake at one point. Around four in the morning, you went to comfort him, but he was asleep! That's when you decided to wake him up. He took forever to wake up, but it was sort of worth it. The blue was absolutely confused when you woke him up. He had a lot of questions, but you decided to give him another chance to go to bed.

Yoongi was upset that you woke him up, but you could tell he was a little happy. He must have been having a really bad nightmare. Since he was still sleepy, you stayed on the floor with him and waited. You ignored his protests to be watched. Eventually Yoongi fell asleep peacefully this time. He didn't know, but you whispered comforting words to him. Whatever he had dreamt of, it's over now. It took thirty minutes to get him to go back to sleep. With tired limbs, you reached for your favorite stuffed animal and gave it to the boy. He had been holding onto your hand so you figured he'd probably want to continue holding something. That's why you gave him the toy that you loved and had a lot of nice memories with.

Hyosung unnie never came into your room with confusion. She had gone off to college like it was just another day. You finally got some rest after Yoong's continuous nightmares. School had to start soon though, so it felt like you had barely slept. Why!? Slapping your hand onto your alarm, you stared at the stirring boy on the ground. He groaned loudly at the sound and tried covering his ears. It wasn't until he heard your light giggle that his eyes shot open. Yoongi took a moment to remember where he was and jumped to see the stuffed animal in his arms. You sat up on your bed as he raised the animal up in the air while giving you a glare.

"What is this?" He huffed.

"That's Holly. Treat him with respect!" You crossed your arms. "He helped you sleep."

"Whatever." Yoongi put the stuffed dog to the side. "I'm going back to bed."

"We have school in an hour and a half." You reminded him. Yoongi angrily turned to you again after hiding under the covers.

"I don't have my uniform..." He muttered.

"It's not like the school cares anyway!" You smiled to see the blue sigh. He didn't care about wearing his uniform either. All he wanted was an excuse not to go. "Look, I get it if you don't want to see the other members yet, but you still have to go to school."

"I don't care about them." Yoongi looked up to the ceiling of your room.

The room was dim with a little light entering from your window. Pushing the blinds to the side, the morning sun came rushing in. Yoongi covered is eyes with his arm and gritted his teeth. He was still acting like this after what went down? It was hard to understand Yoongi. One moment he'd go on about how the gang was his family and then the second he didn't give a crap about them. What was the truth? Everything was so complicated when it came to him. All the members were easier to read then this guy. Even Jungkook had less to hide and he never spoke about his home life. Glancing at the clock one last time, you knew you had enough time to have a conversation with him.

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