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Seokjin's P.O.V.


Life has been working out pretty well in my opinion. There's been a lot of bumps this year, obviously. We didn't plan to make any new friends, but the gang has taken quite the liking to (F/n) and so have I. She was mainly friends with the first years in the beginning. Especially Jimin's friend, but she's made efforts to befriend all of us. Even Yoongi! He's still rude to her at times though. But as someone whose known him for such a long time, I can see the improvement. She's become an irreplaceable person to the gang. She's also really fun to flirt with since she gets so embarrassed at times. I don't mean any of my flirts. They're all for fun and sometimes I wonder if I should stop. Who knows? Maybe she might actually fall for me.

No, I don't think so. She became really upset with me the night Yoongi was discovered as a traitor. Things have been patched up now. Yoongi has been forgiven and (F/n) is happy to have him back. Everyone is. A lot has happened since the beginning of the school year. We got two new members, Jimin and Jungkook who are incredibly important. Then (F/n) came along, plus all the drama that came with. There was the steroid issue, the rumors, the rival gang, Taehyung's arrest, and then the betrayal of Yoongi. And those are the only problems I'm aware of. But in the end, I'm glad that they're all cleared up. The only thing I'm sad about is that the school year is almost ending. We only have a few more weeks until Yoongi and I graduate. I'm pretty sure he can graduate with me. (F/n) helped him raise his grades thankfully so now I won't graduate alone.

Graduating sounded exciting at first. School would finally be over with and I'd get all this free time. But then I've started to grow more afraid as the date came closer. I hate thinking about it. It makes me want to fail all my classes so I can repeat. The gang is all I have so what I am actually supposed to do when I'm done with school? I never really thought about it. There was always the plan of just staying in the gang, but for how long? It pissed me off to think about it. Especially since there was no way I was going to a university. I mean, I definitely could go to one. The thing is that I don't want to. School isn't for me. The whole point of graduating is to be finally done with school. Not go through two or even four more years of that crap. But how am I supposed to tell that to my counselor?

"Seokjin, are you listening?" The old woman across from me raised her voice. Not enough to yell. Only enough to catch my attention again and break me out of my thoughts. "Do you know what college you want to go to? So far you haven't told us any of your plans."

"I don't know." I shrugged, slouching in my seat. My counselor had called me out of class to have this discussion about my 'future'. Right now, I sat in a surprisingly comfortable chair while she sat behind her large desk. There were multiple photos of her grandchildren on the wall and some of her degrees that didn't matter too much to me. What were they supposed to prove? "Does it really matter? School doesn't end until a few more weeks."

"I see. Now I know SuChin isn't the greatest high school out there, but please try." She smiled at me, the wrinkles around her mouth lifting up. She didn't mind that I had my arms crossed and had the usual moody teenager attitude. "We do care about you and want you to succeed in life."

"...Ms. Hong, I don't think college is for me." I sighed, leaning forward with a serious tone. Her squinted eyes widened and she immediately began to frown.

"Oh Seokjin, don't say that." Ms. Hong looked at me over the rim of her glasses. "I'm sure you just haven't found the right school yet. What are you passionate about? Tell me your passion."

Passion? Sometimes I wished I could be like Yoongi. He has a strong 'I don't give a f*ck' attitude that I wish I was bold enough to pull off. Unfortunately, I can't bring myself to speak sarcastically to my counselor. She had a nice atmosphere around her. It was obvious how family oriented she was which made her office not as intimidating. Ms. Hong is probably the only faculty member at this school that I actually liked. No matter how many times Yoongi cussed at her, she only smiled and calmed him down. Then with me, she felt like she was filling in a strong mother role. Ms. Hong is nice, but the only things that have ever made me feel alive were deals and I can't tell her that.

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