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Park Jimin

There was never a day that passed by without you showering Jimin in kisses. The two of you loved each other more than anything. Even with how long the two of you have been together, it would have looked like you were both newlyweds. The others found it sweet to a degree yet after a while they felt grossed out. It was mainly Jungkook and Yoongi who told the two of you to settle down already. Settle down? All you did was call Jimin your precious love and he called you his everything. What was so wrong with that? Jimin and you could get mushy with nicknames, you understood that. You just didn't know why they had to go and rain on your parade.

Well, screw them! You'll keep doting on Jimin if it truly annoys them. Take that as revenge! You love to admire and give Jimin affection anyway. Only lately you've been wanting to give him much more. Recently, Jimin and you had agreed to start trying for kids. It's not like the two of you haven't discussed it before. It was something that was always up in the air. There was never a perfect time which you eventually realized, there most likely will never be a perfect time. Still, you felt good when you brought it up to Jimin. He had just won an award, proving his success as a choreographer for Jam Entertainment and also your online shopping site with Hyosung unnie was doing well.

Timing felt as right as it could get. Both of you were successful so it wouldn't hurt to try for a baby. You've been wanting one with Jimin for some time now. Imagining a little him running around was so adorable. It had you clutching your heart and swooning. Jimin felt the same, wanting a little girl who took after her mother. He's sweet. So of course when it came to planning for children, Jimin and you had to do your research. The both of you wanted to make sure this baby came into a good home. You wanted to be a responsible parent as you made sure the house was big enough for a baby. There was enough money saved up to support your family too. It was also important to keep track of your ovulation cycle. Jimin and you needed to know the perfect time to get started.

That sounded weird and it felt weird if you were being honest. Planning it out was funny at first, but it wasn't a big deal. Many other people have gone through this before. It was a natural thing so you didn't feel embarrassed. Jimin and you went to the doctor to check if the two of you were capable of getting pregnant and got the all clear a few days ago. Jimin was so anxious that he wouldn't be fertile, but you told him not to think negatively. He needed to think positively when it came to this. You were doing your best to act as his little cheerleader harder than ever. Thankfully everything seemed to be working out as he came home from work.

You left Hyosung to deal with the website now that it was past six in the evening. You've been waiting for this moment and so has Jimin. He took off his shoes, removing his coat as he stared at you in the dim lighting. You had been patiently waiting for him at the kitchen table. Today was going to be the first day of trying and it was going to be good. You were already giggling though as Jimin walked over to you. The two of you were acting as if this was your first time all over again. His hand was gentle as it held yours, taking you straight towards the bedroom.

"How was your day?" You decided to ask. It's what you always asked him after he came home from work. Jimin smiled as he closed the door behind the two of you.

"It was fun as always, but I really couldn't stop thinking about tonight..." Jimin let his hands find their way at your sides. His arms wrapped around you as he stared at you with a pink blush across his cheeks.

"Eager?" You teased, wrapping your own arms around his neck. A shiver ran down Jimin's spin as he felt your fingers travel up to his hair. He was feeling sensitive as the two of you stayed still in the dark room. "I was looking forward to this too."

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