The Truth

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This piece of paper has to be a sign. Fate is trying to tell you that you're linked to these guys somehow. For better or worse, you don't know. The things written on it were mysterious. What even was this address? You looked it up on your phone and it was really south of the neighborhood you lived at. It was almost an hour away which made it less tempting to go to. It's not like your sister would get home early and worry about you. Homework could wait. Even if your sister showed up, she'd be too tired to even look at your room door. She'll pass out on her bed and that's the end of that story. You're good to go so what are you afraid of?

The chance of getting involved in criminal activity.

That's actually a reasonable thing to be afraid of. You also wanted to figure what was going on with some students at your school. Particularly your friend, Jimin. It's normal to worry. If the two of you were actually friends that is. The two of you are friends in class, but outside of class shows a different side. It was the unfortunate truth at the moment. You had thought about showing up to the address for a long time. If you went later, you'd get there by night time and you might end up dead. What if they don't show up? What are they doing there? This little piece of paper didn't help at all to your puzzle. Instead it felt like a piece to a completely different problem.

No matter how long you thought about it, you were already at the location. Without thinking, you immediately went over to where the paper told you to go. If you had gone home first, you would not have come. You made the reckless decision of showing up to this ominous location. When you had arrived, you took note of how narrow the streets were. Tall brick buildings sat next to each other, looking like the perfect factory for thugs and illegal products to come out of. Older men eyed you as you hurried into the tiny alley way. You were walking for a while until it came to an opening. It led to a space where the backdoors of all the buildings were pointing at.

Then the faint sound of a car engine made your heart race. Are they here? Is it time to figure out what's going on? It's not like you can go back now. You ran into a narrow space and hid behind an old trash can. There was a fire escape above you, but you didn't have time to get a good view of the situation. One of the doors to the buildings was kicked open as the sun was setting. A group of five men came out to the center and your eyes widened to see one of them trying to hide a knife in their sleeve before the others arrived.

This was insane. Five younger men came from the right alley ways and joined them at the center. At that moment, you recognized three of them. Jungkook was standing next to the guy mainly speaking for his group. There was a look in Jungkook's eyes that you've never seen in anyone in your entire life. If he had to hurt someone, he would. It was terrifying to see him like that. Taehyung was standing behind everyone with Yoongi next to him. The two of them held two bags with questionable substances. In front of them was this male with faded red hair that was close to pink.

"Welcome back! It's so nice to see you guys," The leader of the opposite group spoke. He tried to be friendly, but it didn't feel right with you. He had long hair that didn't look well kept. None of his own members looked like trustworthy people. Who were your classmates associating themselves with?

"Money," Jungkook's leader instantly replied. He was taller than everyone else with faded purple hair.

"Oh wow, you don't hesitate in getting into business." The other chuckled. "Well, you know the deal. Give us what you got and we'll talk about the price."

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