Problem After Another

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A lot had happened the night before. You'd be lying if you said you were fine from all the events. It made it really hard to sleep and now you'll look over your shoulder twice. Seokjin even offered to pick you up in the morning and bring you to school then back. How could you accept!? The poor man was shot in the attempt to save his friend from dying. Memories from the night before gave your body all kinds of shivers. It's not like you were a fan of the thoughts, but you couldn't control them from popping up in your head. Too much happened. It was a good thing Hyosung had already gone to bed by the time you arrived. She never questioned you in the morning and that was good. You might have broken down in tears and you were tired of crying. You wanted to be able to defend yourself.

When you were captured by Myon and his members, it was already the worst night of your life. He made you believe that you wouldn't see the light of day ever again. All your hopes for the future and living were slowing fading as you tried to accept the situation you were put it. That was your attempts to make death not sound as horrible, but it was. After he first talked to you, he hit the back of your head with his gun. It hurt like a b*tch and it did manage to make you knock out for a while. It didn't last as long as he wanted. Soon you found yourself awakening by the time all the boys were in the room. Once they were all in the room, you heard the sounds of flesh pounding against flesh, the cracking of bones, and grunts of pain.

Scrunching your face, you tried to shake those thoughts off. It was so hard though. The only time you've seen them remotely fight was during the deal you witnessed. Even so, it was mainly only Jungkook who did the damage and he was only defending Namjoon. Jungkook had himself under control, but tonight was different. From what you could see, something blinded him. All the anger built inside him was unleashed on Woohyun, then Seunjo, and eventually Myon. It was hard to believe that it was your sweet Jungkook who could just switch like that. In the end, you forgave him since it was life or death. You had no time to be angry at him. Just like you, they all could have died while trying to protect you. It would be insane to be angry at him. Honestly, you were just glad that he was safe, but you did tell him to not lose control again.

Myon lost his mind with Jungkook. The man was already not the most stable person on the planet, but he really couldn't handle Jungkook attacking Woohyun. Myon also hated Yoongi for not being the way he used to be. It made you learn new things about the Min Yoongi the gang knew. The way Myon described Yoongi was the one you knew. The supposed Yoongi of the past, but you knew something did change him. The blue hair stayed by the oldest's side through the whole night and refused to leave Seokjin alone. It touched your heart and made you not hold so much frustration against the third year. When Namjoon was taking you home for the night, Yoongi raised his head and told you to never bring his tears up again or he'd kill you. It sounded fair, especially since you knew he could definitely follow through with that threat.

Jimin also left you shocked that night. He cared for you a lot which was really sweet. It was upsetting to know you ruined his chance of taking the dance class, but Jimin had to make you stop talking. He said you were more important than the dance class. In your head, you weren't so sure what to do with that information. Dancing is his dream, so for him to say it wasn't as important as you made you become a crying mess again. Jimin and Jungkook held you for the longest time. Taehyung sat in front of you making silly faces in attempts to cheer you up. It did help. You didn't say anything else about the rescue, but you were surprised by Jimin's fighting skills. He looked like he couldn't hurt a fly, but they were gangsters. They were a lot tougher and skilled in things that you'll probably never learn about. At least, those were your hopes.

That whole night left you scarred. Namjoon and Hoseok drove you home since the two oldest weren't going to. You wanted them to finish having their moment. While Namjoon tried not to crash, Hoseok cheered you up in the only way he could. Hoseok was so kind and pure hearted in your mind. He reminded you so much of a loving older brother. Having him as an older brother already sounded amazing. Namjoon probably would have the same title, but there was something about your relationship with him that didn't remind you of a brother. There was also the fact that Hoseok kept teasing the two of you about being a couple. Not to mention, Namjoon's Mom was also in favor of that idea. It always had you shaking your head as well as Namjoon.

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