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After the boys had left you at your apartment, you were welcomed by a surprise. It never occurred to you that the lights were on. You were too busy waving at them as they drove off. Now they were gone. The door was closed as your older sister gave you a hard stare. It was a bit frustrating to see her looking at you this way. She was never around and now she's trying to take charge? Of course, Mom and Dad did put her in charge of you, but was she really? It was always you making your own food, buying your necessities, taking yourself to school, and you barely even saw her. Maybe if you woke up in the middle of the night you would get to hear her arrive. She was like a ghost.

Hyosung unnie got up from her chair and stood in front of the round kitchen table. She crossed her arms as she looked down at you. Sighing, you wanted to word this correctly. She obviously didn't want to tell Mom and Dad since then they would consider her irresponsible. She also wanted to make sure that you were behaving well in school because that was important. That you understood, and your grades were doing just fine. Nothing spectacular. They were good enough. You didn't even take off your shoes to put on your slippers. You remained at the entrance, thinking on how to answer her.

"Well?" She huffed.

"I didn't start it," You started looking down to the floor. "Some girl randomly came at me and I defended myself. That's all."

"Clearly not. Why would some girl just attack you out of nowhere?" Hyosung scoffed. "There's something you're hiding from me." She stopped crossing her arms and placed her hands on her hips. Biting your lip, you didn't want to tell her about the rumors. That was too much information. She would try to talk to the school and you might get taken out. That can't happen. The boys have been so great to you and you're not ready to let them go.

"I didn't expect her to try and fight me. That's what I mean by random." You shrugged as she rolled her eyes.

"But why?" She demanded to know.

"...She thought I was dating the guy she wanted," You admitted seeing her raise a brow.

"And why would she think that? Were you?" Hyosung stepped closer as you narrowed your eyes at her.

"No!" You raised your voice in frustration. It was so rude of her. She didn't even believe you.

"Then why—"

"Because I'm friends with him! That's why! She got angry and attacked me!" You screamed. "I did nothing wrong! You know I wouldn't start a fight so stop acting like I would!"

Hyosung was taken back by your outburst. At this point, you were fuming with rage. You didn't mean to get so heated. Talking to your sister always led to fights for some reason. The two of you got along when you were younger. It was easier then when the two of you lived under the same roof with Mom and Dad. Now she's constantly gone, and it feels like the two of you are strangers. That's why it's bothering you so much that she's acting this way. You know what you're doing so she has no reason to get involved. Hyosung blinked in shock before finally collecting herself.

"I am older than you, Kwon (F/n). You need to respect your older sibling who pays for the bills, feeds you, and houses you," She said as if you were an ungrateful child. Maybe you were, but she wasn't perfect either.

"First of all, Mom and Dad still help you pay for this place. You don't feed me. You don't have the time to, so I make my own food or buy it myself," You stated. "I get you're older than me, but don't act like you're right about everything."

"(F/n)..." Hyosung took a step closer. She was clearly upset and so were you. You were losing patience with her. All you wanted to do was go to bed. "I'm not going to call Mom and Dad, but I'm not letting you go without an apology."

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