What We Want (R&V) pt. 2

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let's get this show on the road amirite ladies n jellymen

(M/n)'s POV
Hearing Namjoon through the phone, I got the strangest feeling that perhaps I shouldn't go, but thinking back to the endearing smile he gave me on the first day, and the constant reassurance from him and Taehyung, I know I just want to make them happy.

"Where you off to, honey?" Jin stopped me at the door as I grabbed my jacket. "My boss said he had some paperworks for me in his car, I'll just go collect them" Before I could leave, Jin swaddled me into a tight hug, he did this every time. "Don't be too long, I might accidentally finish your pizza." Hoseok said with giggles. "And I might accidentally fall asleep in your bed. It's comfier." Yoongi said, his lips twisting into a small smile as I turned the doorknob, walking to the Porsche Taehyung and Namjoon were sat in, parked opposite the bathroom window.

Namjoon waited till the doors shut, not sure why, and welcomed me to take a seat in the back passenger seat row. "He shuffled about with some papers in the glove compartment, but uttered a few curse words under his breath once he stopped searching. "What's the matter, boss?" I asked, wondering why he went in a huff. "The papers, uhm.. we're going to need to drive to the building, Taehyung. I thought I had everything.. my mistake," Namjoon turned around to give me a smile, he looked a bit apologetic and nervous as he did so.

"It's okay, my roommates are out late sometimes too, they'll understand." I reasoned with them, if it means I can get all my work, then why should it matter if I'm back a little later?

We drove to the mountain top building, despite being steep, a lot of road and parking space made it easy for Taehyung to drive up along the side of the magnificent modern building. Namjoon left to go and collect the paperwork, and to my delight the car wasn't awkward and silent as we waited for him. "You know (M/n), you really are an admirable worker. Only determined people like you would come out at night just to pick up some boring paperwork." Taehyung compliments me as he played with something shiny and metal, which made clinking noises as he swung it. I couldn't see it from where I was sat but it could be his keys.

"Ah, thank you boss. It's no problem. I just want to please you too after all. " I said with a big grin, I couldn't help but strive for teacher's pet in this job, I had to be a people pleaser to appease them. "Hm, you want to please us? That right?" By the way Taehyung spoke now, it sounded like he was teasing me. In my head I curled up into a ball and hid, but outwardly I bursted into a few nervous laughs.

"Don't say it like that, boss" I said between giggles. Way to go, anime school girl.

"Like what? You said you wanted to please us, darling," Taehyung's silky voice made it all the more difficult to stay still, I haven't been spoken to like this since Seungjae. Soon enough, Namjoon appeared and sat in the passenger's seat, taking me out of my misery and the intensity of Taehyung. "Ok, I've got everything now." Namjoon said, and Taehyung took off down the mountain, I presumed they were taking a different route this time since we went through a roughly rural area, with barely any people.

Then Namjoon told Taehyung to stop somewhere. It was so dark.

He opened the side door and faced me, his once endearing smile now a sinister grin, his eyes glinting with some mysterious fire. "We love you just so much, (M/n)." Was what he said before a cloth was placed over my mouth and nose and everything went dark.

Specks of light gleamed as my vision slowly returned, I'm now no longer in the car. The room is cold, but has a similar interior to the distillery building. I am in a chair, handcuffed to a table. My skin felt damp with cold sweat, the cold atmosphere making me shiver twice as much. Namjoon is at the door, humming a tune. He notices I'm upright, and his expression lights up. "Why?? Why am I here?" I asked, trying to tug and pull at the handcuffs.

"Because you're finally ours." Namjoon said as he stroked my cheek, patting it a few times before dropping his hand into his pocket. "No! No I'm not! I know exactly what you people are like, my ex was one of you. You don't fucking own me!" I shrieked in protest, flaming with rage. All the shock and confusion was simmering up inside of me with a force and intensity I should've given to Seungjae all those months ago.

"You have a big mouth for such a dainty little thing. Might need extra sedatives. Oh, Taehyung?~" Namjoon called out to Taehyung in a mocking, sing song voice. Taehyung appeared with a wide smile on his face. Fucking jerk. "No! Just leave! Who gives you the right to think you can just kidnap someone with the excuse of being their employer?" I thrashed about as I raised my voice even louder, to which Taehyung held me down and threatened to stick a needle in my neck.

"I don't want to have to do this (M/n), you know that darling. So stop fighting, okay?" Taehyung said in a unsettlingly gentle tone, I fought back sobs upon sobs, this is just all too much like him. "Listen, I-I don't know your motivation behind this, but, you two need help. Really. I dated a guy who was just like you two, you can't obsess over people you hardly even know. Just let me go, please. If you let me go the police will never know this happened." Namjoon burst into laughter after I said my piece, this just felt so insulting.

"I don't believe you. Ah, you're ridiculous, my love. We're not going to let you go, it defeats the whole purpose of taking you here in the first place." Namjoon struck a knife out of his pocket, humming the same tune from before as he began to glide it down my cheek. He lifted it again, pressing down this time. It burned at my skin as it sliced and I wished this was just some fucked up dream. But the blood running down my cheek and dripping down onto the table spoke another story.

"So cute, my little darling." Taehyung cooed as he pressed his large hands onto my hips. I winced, feeling his hands practically bruising into my bone. For the shortest moment of relief, he took them away. Only to punch me in the hip shortly after. I doubled over, but due to my hands not being free to keep me stable, I fell against the table, quietly whimpering in pain in both my cheek and my hips.

My neck was grabbed from behind and I was pulled back up by Namjoon, still humming that annoying tune. He observed the blood on my cheek, swiping his thumb over it and wiping it onto his jeans. He placed a kiss where new blood started to inch out of the cut he made on my cheek. "Beautiful." He hummed lowly, placing another kiss on the stinging cut.

I whined softly as he continued to kiss me, going closer to my lips each time. Taehyung caught on and massaged down my hips, the newly formed bruises on them hurting as he pressed on them harder. He kissed my other cheek, the one without the god awful cut. "Pretty darling~" he whispered in my ear as he nibbles on the lobe, his voice sending tingles up and down my body like a full body chill.

"And to think, we have him forever now Taehyung. Forever." Namjoon said, slamming his lips onto mine after, nibbling and sucking on them. Slowly but surely, I did what I had to to survive. Either put up with it, or die at the hands of them.

The first option seemed better than death at this point.

This is strange lmao, anyway I'm working on the newest oneshot now and I'm mucho emocionado

Also can you believe we're onto the 65th update? Wowshas.

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