Cuddle Buddies (Jin)

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Third Person
(M/n) and Seokjin had been dating for about two months now. Jin had just got back from tour in America, he excitedly turned the keys to their shared apartment. He opened to door to find his small boyfriend wrapped up in a large blanket, his eyes glued to the TV watching an episode of friends with a half empty bowl of popcorn beside him.

(M/n)'s eyes widened once he saw his boyfriend at the door with a fond smile on his face. "Jin!!! Hey hey hey hey!" He whipped the blanket off of him and crashed into his boyfriend's strong arms. Jin chuckled softly and ran his fingers through the smaller male's (H/c) locks.

"Did you miss me, little one?" He teased, taking his boyfriend by the hand and leading him to the large navy blue couch. "Yes, I missed you so so much" (M/n) said with a childish tone, his bottom lip jutting out in a cute pout. "Well, I'm back. And now we can cuddle forever~" Jin said in a sing song tone, smiling wide with his boyfriend in his arms.

Jin's POV
I watched as (M/n) snuggled into my chest cutely, he really is the love of my life. I couldn't have found anyone better even if I searched every corner of the world. I patted his shoulder and he looked up at me expectantly, he donned a sweet smile with a little drool on the side of his lips. I chuckled and wiped it off with my thumb and held his chin up and connected our lips into a sweet kiss. The kiss lingered on for a little and (M/n) pulled apart blushing furiously, it felt just like our first kiss.

We've had our new stylist and makeup artist for a few weeks now and I've had the biggest crush on him. Sadly, he's only our stylist when we play shows in Korea, so when we tour elsewhere I won't be able to see him. His name is (M/n) and he has the cutest smile, and his fluffy (H/c) hair frames his soft features perfectly.

I had just finished changing into my outfit when I sat down at the makeup table, (M/n) walked in with his vanity case and quickly got to work. He had just done applying some lip gloss to my lips when I looked up to see him admiring his work, he noticed me staring back at him and looked away, blushing wildly. I was blushing furiously too but I got bold and caressed his soft cheek, making him turn to look at me directly before I planted a sweet but passionate kiss on his lips.

He pulled away and stared into my eyes, blinking out of his haze and breathing heavily. "Aw man, now I gotta redo your lip gloss, silly Jin" he giggled, picking up the lip gloss and applying it once again before a staff member walked in and told us we were on. He wished me good luck and I pulled him into my arms. "Thank you (M/n), I hope I see you back stage after the show" I said before strolling onto stage with the rest of the members.

**end of flashback**
While I'd spent my time reminiscing on our first kiss, (M/n) fell asleep, soft snores coming from the smaller male as he snuggled into my chest. I too fell asleep soon after, dreams of the two of us playing around in my mind.

(M/n)'s POV
The sound of birdsong and morning fluttered through my ears as I woke up, wrapped in a pair of strong arms. The smell of Jin's cologne hit my nose and the events of last night swarmed around in my head. It feels good to have my man back. I pulled the curtains open slightly to let some sunlight in, the trees outside were dancing in the wind and the birds were singing to each other. I looked up at the clock on the wall and it read as half past seven in the morning, Jin shuffled slightly and yawned, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me back down with him. "Stay for a little longer" he whined. "Mhmmm, okay" I accepted, quite liking the idea of cuddling with Jin for a little longer.

Jin suddenly got a burst of energy and dragged me out of bed and sat me down on the kitchen counter while he cooked us some breakfast. While the eggs on the frying pan were sizzling , he turned towards me and wrapped his arms around me once more, planting a chaste kiss on my lips. "Good morning, lovely" he said, twirling a strand of my hair around with his finger. "Good morning Seokjin" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck as he pulled me in for another sweet kiss. I loved mornings with him. He makes everything so much better.

A/n: Hello hello thank you to the people who added this to their reading list, I hope you like this book once you read it, sorry this chapter wasn't as long as the others, I've been a little busy recently with therapy and school and all. Have a lovely Sunday :)

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