Hangover (Jungkook)

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no this isn't the absolute bop from PSY

Third Person
As he sat up and faded in and out of sleep, Jungkook groaned due to his mild headache. He found a bottle of what looked to be water amidst the rubble of his room, but when he took a sip he tasted the sharp bitterness of vodka and instantly spat it out. He sprang up out of bed and stared at the messy sheets, flashbacks of last night now a traffic jam in his brain.

As he gripped onto the crumpled up sheets his mind wandered to the previous night, his hand was wrapped around (M/n)'s neck as he pounded him into the mattress. His mind was once again tainted with the sight of (M/n)'s half lidded eyes and open mouth with swollen lips as his hips smashed into him with an exciting force. Jungkook felt an odd sensation in his chest when he touched the sheets, pulling them off the bed and chucking them in the laundry basket once he'd snapped back to the real world. "What the fuck even happened?!" He yelled as he picked up the bottle of vodka, chugging it until there was less than a sip left in the bottle, then placing, ahem, throwing it down onto the floor.

'Don't I like..hate him? (M/n)'s just a lowlife kid at my school.' Jungkook thought as he sifted through the mess of his room until his sights landed on a somewhat clean shirt and some jeans. He really just didn't care today. After showering, he put his clothes on and headed downstairs. His mother looked less than pleased at his groggy entrance. "How many times do I need to tell you? You can't just throw a house party every time you win a tournament! I'm happy for you, I mean, you're doing so well in swimming but son, you need to have some self control. It's not all about girls and partying." She lectures Jungkook, looking him rather coldly in the eye. 'Girls, she can say that again.'

He shrugged his shoulders, droplets of water spilling onto the floor from his wet hair. "Don't just shrug Jungkook, I didn't raise you like this. I can only put in work as a mother if you put in work as a child. Understand?" She had a softer tone now, holding his wet chin in her hand. Before Jungkook could even as much as open his mouth as to utter another word, his mom had other plans. "Dry yourself up now. Just cause you're a star swimmer doesn't mean you're a merman." She laughed heartily, patting his toned chest. Jungkook just chuckled and obliged, drying himself off with a towel.

"Eomma, I'm sorry for not telling you and trashing the place like this. I promise I'll make it up to you." Jungkook said through a full mouth. His mother just shook her head with a small smile. You know, your father was just like you when he was your age. I had to bring him back down to earth." They both chuckled. 'Thankfully she's in a good mood', Jungkook thought to himself. "Oh, Jungkook-ah?" She asked, Jungkook hummed as a response to his mother.

"Where's your letterman?"

The second he heard his mom ask that, Jungkook's mind once again clouded back to the events of the previous night. (M/n), the last person you'd expect to emerge from Jeon Jungkook's bedroom, was stumbling back and forth, the yellow ochre and dark blue swim team letterman jacket with the initials 'JJK' on it resting all oversized on his small frame.

Jung (M/n), the timid guy whom Jungkook took all his anger and frustration out on and actually bullied for four years, had spent the night having sex with the same guy who raised him hell every single day at school. The juxtaposition of this timid, well brought up goody two shoes and this rowdy, muscular swimmer even in the same room was something you'd struggle to put your finger on.

"Oh, I must've misplaced it somewhere. Or maybe a fan of mine took it home and sold it on eBay. You never know when you're a famous swimmer." Jungkook lied through his teeth, his pearly whites shining through making it all that more passable. "Hey don't get ahead of yourself, you'll be doing internationals soon, keep your fingers crossed my bunny." His mother seemed to buy it, whatever kind of half lie he was selling.

"I told you to stop calling me that"  Jungkook pouted. "But you're my bunny, now go or you'll be late, bye love!" Mom waved him off, a fond smile still tugging at her rosy red lips. Jungkook just huffed and slid his backpack on, as much as he tried to keep his 'unimpressed' act up, he still said "Bye Eomma, love you!" As he walked out the door.

When Jungkook arrived, the usual giggle and whispers of girls seemed slightly off, and there was more of a rumble of chatter throughout both groups of boys and girls at the school. "I've never actually heard him talk, did he moan like a lil bitch?" Yugyeom whacked his hand on Jungkook's back, sniggering like a kid at his own dumb remark.

"What? Who?" Jungkook feigned cluelessness, but the hard stares of his peers and clamor of chats and whispers about his one night stand was enough to tell him everyone now knew. "(M/n) of course, or were you the one that bent over, and took it in the a-"

"-Yugyeom, that's enough. Clearly he was very intoxicated at the party." Seokjin butted Yugyeom out of the way, his protective hyung side shining through this morning. "Maybe he thought (M/n) was a girl. I would." Taehyung said, earning a smack from Namjoon to the right of him. "Taehyung, please. We need to handle this maturely."

"No really, like I would think that. Especially since he accidentally called Jimin and I his oppas during homeroom." Taehyung spoke like he was some sort of politician with a valid argument in a debate. Jimin nodded to back him up. "Oh fuck off." Jungkook huffed, his hands running through his messy hair mindlessly. "What am I gonna do, everyone knows more than I even fucking know." His eyes wandered the room till he found (M/n), whom was usually either alone or with the kid who's blind in one eye. Except this time a gaggle of teenage girls surrounded him.

Jin patted Jungkook's back as he made his way over to the mob of girls with (M/n) sandwiches in the middle. "How big was his dick?" "Is he like.. gay now?" "Is it true that his abs-" Jungkook interrupted all the girls' questions by calling (M/n)'s name loud and clear. As if automatically, the girls spaced out like a parted sea.

"We need to talk, (M/n). About whatever the fuck happened last night in my bedroom." Jungkook explained, gesturing with his eyes to ditch the crowd and go to the empty nurses office. "Are you here to ridicule me? You saw me at my most vulnerable. You took pictures or something, didn't you? And you're gonna post them around the sch-" Jungkook didn't even know where his mind was going, but something pulled him towards (M/n)'s lips. He pecked them tenderly, then realised his mistake and looked at (M/n) for approval.

"Go ahead. What's the use? You know I like you anyway." (M/n) looked away for a moment, his heart struggled to keep up with even what he said. The atmosphere of the room felt different as Jungkook leaned closer, his warm breath lingering against (M/n)'s glossy lips. It felt so not threatening that (M/n) could almost forget this was his bully.

But he can't. And he won't.

As Jungkook connected his lips to (M/n)'s, it felt bittersweet. Even if Jungkook felt the same about him, how can someone just change in one night? (M/n) pulled away before Jungkook could kiss his neck, his hair bounced as he turned around towards the door. "I can't do this Jungkook. Not after everything you've put me through. I need a man who's grown enough to realise he loves me before he goes and bullies me like you did. Come to me when you're not popular." (M/n) spoke in a cold tone, his voice threatening to waver at each word.

Jungkook's eyes looked sad, and his shoulders slumped slightly as he saw the emotionless gaze on (M/n)'s face. "I understand. I'm sorry (M/n)."

And with that, (M/n) faced the world head on, picking his courage back up where he'd left it. He is not a rumour, just a name in a text about school drama, nor is he easily swayed by physically attractive mean boys.

He still kept Jungkook's jacket though, it was comfy and Jungkook didn't ask for it back.


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