Noise Complaint (Hoseok)

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(M/n)'s POV
I checked the time on my phone to see it is 9 pm, and after much procrastination, I came to the decision that I should cram down on some last minute revision for my exams. I ended up getting in the zone and really making an effort, getting halfway through sum 41 (heh) before I was rudely interrupted by one of my upstairs neighbors blasting some god awful music and what sounded like a male's voice singing along obnoxiously.

At this point I was so agitated, I didn't even bother putting in a noise complaint and trusted my first instinct, which was to walk right up to the guy's door and give him a lecture on why he was being such a disturbance. That's right, sassy (M/n), activated.

I let my ears guide me to the source of the music and ended up at the door of room 218, supposedly where the new guy moved in. Talk about a first impression. (hobi's bday hueheue) I knocked on the door and was greeted by a male with dark brown hair in a purple sweater. His hair looks soft and wavy and is parted at the side, allowing me to catch a glimpse of the minuscule beads of sweat on his smooth tanned skin.

I had the urge to pinch myself to convince myself he's real.

"Uhhhhh, may I help you?" I'm slammed right back into reality by his breathy voice. He's been dancing. For a moment, I turned timid and my heart thumped in my chest like a bongo drum. But, nevertheless, sassy (M/n) returned with a vengeance.

"Excuse me. Mr. 'May I help you?', I'm pretty sure the one who needs help is you sir. Blasting your crappy ass music, are you sure people in god damn Norway can't hear you?" I blared at the man with a stank face.

Before he could reply with actual words, I heard a chuckle erupt from the man, then another, and another. Not long after, the male was clutching at his stomach trying to hold in his laughter. I felt the sides of my lips try to curl into a smile, but no. I'm not letting him win this one.

Hoseok's POV
I finally calmed down from my laughing fit to find the small male at the door still glaring at me. "I-I'm sorry, it's just- I didn't expect you to have such a potty mouth with a face like that." I said between stifled laughs.

The dude simply rolled his eyes, he's really got a mouth on him. When he first showed up at the door, I swear he looked like a timid lost puppy. But the way he roared at me was something of a fierce lion.

"Anways, come inside. Let's work out a way for me to make it up to you. My name's Hoseok. Jung Hoseok. Pleasure to meet you." I said, suddenly feeling like a confident, polite gentleman, extending a hand for him to shake.

He hesitantly shook my hand, and it was then I noticed how much smaller his hands were to mine. Is this guy a pixie? How cuteeee!

"M-my name's (M/n)" He said, and his plump lips tugged into a soft smile, barely noticeable as a smile, more like an almost-smile.

I gestured for him to come inside, and he did so, but by the way he walked he looked like he was walking on eggshells. Why am I finding him so amusing?

"Make yourself at home, sorry for the bad first impression (M/n). I'm a trainee dancer and I haven't got the lease to my studio yet. I wasn't aware of how loud I was being." I said, he nodded, his sassy aura seemingly dying down a bit.

"Y-you dance? That's so cool. Sorry for letting my sassy side out there." He chuckled cutely, taking a seat on the couch.

I walked over to the counter to make a nice hot drink since I needed one and it's common decency to make one for your guest too. "Tea or coffee?" I asked, turning back around to look at the male on the couch.

"Oh, uhhh.. tea please." He fiddled with the zipper on his hoodie, avoiding eye contact and looking at the TV instead.

I turned the kettle on to boil some water for his tea and my coffee, (M/n) was still focused on the TV, occasionally making quick glances my way. Every time he looked away, I got a chance to examine his elfin frame and soft features.

The zipper of his hoodie was now wedged between his teeth, and he chewed on the cloth tassel on the end of it. His doe eyes concentrated on the television in front of him. His eyelashes were long and his lips were a rosy pink, the apples of his cheeks and tip of his nose a slightly lighter shade of pink too. He had a soft, but visible jawline, and his skin was a beautiful shade of (S/c). He had two piercings on his right ear and one on his left, the small diamond earrings only emphasized his elvish appearance. He looked ethereal to say the least.

"Y-your water is boiled now H-Hoseok.." He trailed, letting the zipper of his hoodie slip out from between his lips when he spoke.

"Hmm- oh yeah, I'll go see to it." I said, clapping my hands like a TV chef and pouring the hot water into two mugs. I popped a herb and exotic fruit teabag into (M/n)'s mug, and two spoons full of Columbian coffee into mine.

I added the milk and sugar into my coffee and gave (M/n) his green tea and picked up a conversation from there, the two us spent the evening chatting about our interests and hobbies and even throwing in the occasional joke here and there, overall this (M/n) guy seemed really sweet.

I would sometimes steal glances of him, taking in his tantalizing appearance. Savoring everything I could get so far. I don't know what made me so interested in the guy, for all I know he was just someone who picked up the guts to lecture me over my loud music, rather than just filing a noise complaint.

"I sh-should probably get going, I'll see you around." (M/n) said, walking towards the door to grab his jacket. I was about to go offer to walk him to his apartment but I tripped on a stray sock and ended up pinning him against the door.

Third Person
The two neighbors struggled to catch their breaths and Hoseok luckily gained his composure first, he chuckled, shuffling uncomfortably, not noticing they could practically feel their lips moving closer and closer and closer...

(M/n)'s eye's widened and his heart did a back handspring. Damn. Did he just? Accidentally? Almost? Maybe? Kiss? His? Hot? Neighbor? Hoseok?

Hoseok realized what just happened and pulled apart abruptly, and the smaller male now crammed against the door, just centimeters away from him let out a barely audible whine subconsciously.

This gave Hoseok the silliest idea. He was going to kiss the handsome almost-stranger. He smirked and leaned in, taking (M/n)'s soft lips for a spin. (Y'all I'm a poet now)

Their lips moved together seamlessly, almost like a perfectly synchronized orchestra. They pulled apart gasping for air, little did they know this definitely wasn't the last time that would happen.
Hellooooo, I turned 17 on the 18th, I'm getting old g, anyway here's this :)

and thissss

He's so gorgeous I-

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He's so gorgeous I-

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