Favorite Teacher (Namjoon)

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ok ok listen up. this request was sent to me by the lovely 92BHYUNS :]

Third Person
The young teacher combed a hand through his dark hair. The kids, a lovely but.. chaotic -to say the least- group of six year olds were (M/n)'s own class, for three days of the week that is. For the rest of the week, they had Mrs. Chen, who lets just put it politely, was a little bit on the strict, 'no fun' side.

(M/n) is just on the cusp of twenty three, and left behind his dreams of being an author for a part-time job as an elementary school teacher. He still writes, but now with his rewarding teaching job, he just has a lot of little personalities that would most likely be very interesting to write about.

"Ok Jihyo, let go of Chaeyoung's hair or I'll think twice about giving you that lollipop at break time." (see what I did there.. think.. twice? kekeke) (M/n) scolded Jihyo, but he wasn't mean about it. Once she let go of the other girl's hair, she still got the break time lollipop they all got from the sweetheart teacher.

"Okay guys today we're gonna do some work on animals and places of the world! So to put it both together, how about we learn about the national animals of some countries, how does that sound?" (M/n) explained to the class, pulling out a poster with some countries flags, and their national animals on them.

The kids cheered, seeing some of their favorite animals on the poster. "Okay, so can anyone tell me, what is the national animal of South Korea? Just raise your hand if you think you know." (M/n) asked his class, a dozen little hands shot straight in the air before he even finished speaking.

He spotted a boy with a toothy grin who looked very enthusiastic about his answer. Hanseok, the class clown. "Ok, Hanseok, what do you think?" (M/n) asked the boy. "Bigfoot!" He said loudly, and the whole class erupted into laughter. (M/n) shook his head as he let out a chuckle.

"No, no. Good guess, Hanseok! But it is actually the Siberian Tiger." (M/n) taught his class, pointing to the picture of the Siberian Tiger as some kids gasped and some awed at the big cat on the poster.

"Okay, now does anyone know the national animal of China?" He asked the class, this time even more hands shot up. (M/n) picked Sowon, a little girl who is mostly quiet, but very smart and hard working for her age. "It's the giant panda Mr. (M/n). But I also put my hand up for another weason. can I tell you something?" She spoke, (M/n) had to lean in a little bit to hear her, but he gave her a gold star sticker for getting the answer correct and sat down next to her.

"What's wrong, Sowon?" (M/n) asked the little girl, who on closer inspection looked a bit pale and unwell. "I-I feel a wittle bit sick, Mr. (M/n)." She admitted, fiddling with her little fingers as she spoke to the patient teacher. She then continued, placing a hand on her forehead as she spoke, "It feels very hot here, and my head hurts." She pouted.

"Ok, let's get you to the office then. Mrs. Chen, can you cover for me while I take little Ms. Kim to the office to get her home? It looks like she has a fever." (M/n) spoke, the middle aged woman then nodded and got up from what she was doing and took over the class, all of the kids seemed a little sad that their favorite teacher had to leave for a bit.

(M/n) then took little Sowon by the hand, taking her to the front desk receptionist. "Hello Johnny-hyung could we call Sowon's parents or guardian to pick her up? she has the fever and the best thing to do is send her home to rest." He asked the elder, who simply nodded and typed away, taking the phone and passing it to (M/n).

Namjoon's POV
I just got home when my cell went off, thinking it was most likely one of the boys I casually answered. "Sup." Oh, how I was wrong. "Hello there, are you Kim Sowon's father?" A man spoke on the other end, his voice sounded smooth and patient, he has a pleasant and rather attractive voice.

"Oh, hi, apologies. I thought one of my friends were calling. Yes, I'm Sowon's dad. Is something wrong?" I quizzed, biting the inside of my cheek. I swear to god if anyone hurt my daughter I will not hesitate to fight their parents. "Sowon has the fever, Mr. Kim. And we think it's best that she goes home, so if you can pick her up from the office, that would be ideal." He said through the other end of the phone, his smooth voice could almost lull me off to dreamland. Oh for fucks sake Namjoon, your kid is sick! I mentally smacked myself round the head.

"Aw no, my poor baby. Take care of her for five minutes longer please, I'll be there soon. Mr.." I bagan, but then it dawned on me that I hadn't caught the teacher's name. He chuckled softly, holding the phone away a bit as his chuckle was quieter, and then spoke again. "(M/n). Mr. (M/n), the kids just use my first name so I don't see why you shouldn't." He said, a smile evident in his peaceful voice. Wait, Mr. (M/n)! He is Sowon's favorite teacher, she never shuts up about him whenever I ask her about school. This guy sounds like a real cutiepie.

"Okay (M/n), I'll pick up my little girl soon, hope she isn't too much trouble." I joked, knowing full well my daughter is well behaved. Having to grow up with a single dad was definitely a strain for her, but even at the young age of six, you could already tell she was smart and hardworking, just like her father, haha.

"Oh no, Sowon is a little angel. Ok Mr. Kim, see you there in five." (M/n) said, cutting the call. I was still in my work clothes, an office job tuxedo is a little too much for an elementary school, so I changed out of it and into something more casual. A nice green sweater with trees on it and some black denim jeans.


I arrived at the school on time, five minutes later as I said. Thankfully it is close by. I got to the main office, and saw Sowon and a young man, maybe a little bit younger than me. He must be (M/n). "Hello, Mr. Kim. Your daughter here insisted I hold her hand until you got here." He said as he chuckled, letting go of her hand now that I was there.

I couldn't help but crack a smile, this guy's not only insanely attractive, physically, with his chiselled facial features and bright eyes, but also with his cheerful but collected demeanour. Aaand he is so good with kids. What more can you need.

"Namjoon. Just call me Namjoon since I just call you (M/n). Wah, Sowon won't stop talking about you at home, now I finally get to put a face to the name" I smiled as I spoke, and his face lit up when I said my little girl talks about him. He must feel so accomplished, knowing his students love him as much as he loves them. Aww.

"Really? Aw well, I hope it's good things." He joked, unconsciously twirling a strand of his hair around awkwardly, but adorably. If my daughter weren't there I would've shoot my shot and tried a little flirting. "Yes, it's always good things, she's always excited to come to school on the days she has you." I said, telling him how much my daughter has warmed up to him as he clung to my arm, nodding furiously every time I complimented him.

"Hey, Sowon, keep nodding like that and your headache might get worse lovey." I said, putting a hand on her head, ruffling her long black hair lovingly. (M/n) chuckled, watching us both in awe. "Your little family is so cute." He said, most likely without thinking, as his cheeks turned a rosy red when he realised he'd said that out loud.

"Hm, I know." I said with a small laugh. "Okay Mr. Ki- Namjoon, I think it's time I get back to my class. Get better soon Sowon, bye bye!" He waved to us both, a kind smile on his pretty lips. I said goodbye to him as did my daughter, and we both walked hand in hand to my car.

On the way to the car, Sowon stopped. Thinking something was up, I turned around, leaning down to know what's up. "You should marry Mr. (M/n)! Cause then he'll be my appa too!" She said, her face lighting up. I was caught by surprise by her sudden comment, I let out a choked chuckle before saying, "I think it's a little early for that, Sowon. But we'll see, we'll see."

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