Always and Forever (Hoseok)

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(A/n: grab some tissues, ur most likely crying over Shadow <yoongi looks so fuckin good and sounds even better i-rest> so get ready to start up the waterworks again with this aha, don't worry it gets cute :))
Third Person
It's been a year, two months, three days and six hours. (M/n) took the early morning train all those many moons ago, it was still dark due to it being winter, but as busy as it can be in the morning rush hour. The city lights appeared to him from his window seat on the fast train to be stars racing past, millions and trillions of them.

Travelling endlessly through space and time, only reaching the naked human eye once they are long dead.

(M/n) was 22 last year, and lost. Perpetually lost. He tried everything to get his life together, but nothing seemed to work out. Every day he felt like he was letting his folks down more and more. Every day he felt like so much more of a burn-out in comparison to his friends.

The day his flight was booked for (M/n) to move to the States to make a life for himself was four days after Valentine's day, the 18th of February, nothing special. Except for when it's the birthday of your best friend of eight years, Jung Hoseok.

Hoseok was the opposite. He was so goal oriented that his goals didn't even last that long. Every day, a new personal best. A new achievement, a new merit, medal, trophy, ribbon. Every time (M/n) went over to his house there was at least one or two new awards up on the mantle in the living room, or pinned to the felt board full of ribbons in Hoseok's room.

Hoseok is a dancer, and a damn good one at that. So good that not long after (M/n) left, he opened up his own dance school. He turned whatever pent up emotion he had towards his childhood friend's departure into art, and it helped him succeed.

The problem was that Hoseok and (M/n).. haven't managed to stay in contact. The day after (M/n) arrived at his Chicago apartment, he gave his friend back in Korea a call. He'd forgotten to wish him a happy birthday, and was so many dozens of thousands of miles away that he couldn't spend it with him.

Despite the poor quality of the video call, (M/n) could still see the stone cold, barren expression in Hoseok's eyes. He'd swallowed down a string of apologies and a million different excuses before stuttering out a "H-hi hyung, happy birthday.." When (M/n) wished him, Hoseok let out a wry chuckle. "Thanks." One word, but the tone spoke more than he had to say.

He sounded so bitter, (M/n) had heard this before, but never had to worry about Hoseok's coldness the next day, he was always back to normal within twelve hours and the time it takes for a good power nap, but this time he was very far away and couldn't help feeling hopeless.

Hoseok craves touch, he always has and always will, he had to let go of (M/n) to deal with him being untouchable, immaterial anywhere outside of a screen. Somehow this big world took his best friend, chewed and swallowed him up and he'd never get him back.

He knew that (M/n) wanted to make something of himself, but he just couldn't wrap his head around the distance. He was so used to pulling his (M/n) into a hug every time they met up, snuggling up to him while watching dramas, kissing his forehead and whispering sweet nothings every time he felt down.

The distance hit Hoseok like a truck more because of what could've been. Hoseok has loved (M/n) for all those years, from the time they were young teens up until even now, when they haven't spoken for a whole year and more. He never had the chance to take his chance, to ask him out and anxiously bite his nails in wait as he hoped for the best but expected the worst. To receive a yes and exchange promise rings and hold hands in private jets and take off to places they don't even know the name of.

Hoseok is a dreamer, and (M/n) is coming back to live it with him. Little does he know his one and only, always and forever, is back. After landing a good job in a hospital that specialises in heart surgery, (M/n) got the opportunity to take his job in Chicago back to Korea to introduce the new operation techniques there.

So, as ironic as it is, the heart surgeon followed his own heart back to his home. And if that wasn't enough H's, his home is Hoseok.

Said male closed up his dance school for the night, pulling out of the driveway and to his 20 story apartment building. Upon arriving at the elevator, he bumped into a very familiar brunette. "(M/n)?" Hoseok questions, his lips part for a minute as he takes a quarter of a step forward, afraid of creeping the guy out if he isn't (M/n).

"Hoseokie-hyung!" (M/n) rattled into Hoseok's arms when recognition crossed over his face, the two of them hugging it out in the elevator. "I've missed you so much bubba!" Hoseok exclaimed as he rubbed circles onto the brown haired male's back.

"Do you live here now? What's going on with Chicago?" Hoseok bombarded the shorter with questions. He giggled for a moment before he cleared his throat, "Well, I ended up joining a heart surgery practice, and not long after that they actually offered me to move back here to take the new techniques I learned back home, and so I took the chance and moved back here. I'm in 943." (M/n) let out a breath after speaking, Hoseok listened intently, taking in all information that seemed interesting enough to store.

"What? No way, I thought you always hated blood and stuff!" He exclaimed, remembering how squeamish (M/n) used to get in Biology class. "Actually, I ended up getting over that after I moved, I figured I shouldn't go into any medical job when I got squeamish, so I trained myself not to. Anyway, this is my floor, bye Hoseo-"

"-No wait! I live in 942, you stay in my apartment tonight. I'm guessing your place is empty due to the fact that there's a moving van outside and you have a suitcase on hand." Hoseok offered, hoping (M/n) would accept.

(M/n) refused the first time, but Hoseok wouldn't let it down. "No, please (M/n). Let me make it up to you for all the months of no contact. I.. I was cold because I couldn't deal with you being so far away, I pushed you away to get over... my.. feelings for you, (M/n). I love you, and I've missed you so much and this is too much it's your first day I should just shut-"

"-Hoseok, no. I know how you are with touch and physical affection, so naturally you would miss me being there given that... wait what?" It was (M/n)'s turn to cut off Hoseok this time, except the ditsy brunette only realised Hoseok's confession halfway through, he bit his tongue before he continued, "A part of the reason why I moved away is because I thought I had no chance with you, Hoseokie-hyung. But now I guess I was proven wrong." He looked down at his feet, his cheeks being hit with the strongest blush.

"You're all red." Hoseok teased, poking (M/n)'s left cheek. Before (M/n) had the chance to reciprocate he grabbed the shorter male's hand and then opened the door to 942, his apartment. He led (M/n) to the couch, "make yourself comfortable, you're gonna be here all night," Hoseok said, (M/n) thought for a minute, on the couch? Aren't the apartments on this floor all two bedroom apartments? Surely he could sleep in a guest room, his thoughts were interrupted by Hoseok speaking once again.

"You're gonna be here all night because I'm gonna be with you, and we're gonna cuddle, and kiss if you're up for that. And maybe fu-" (M/n) hit Hoseok's arm before he could continue.

"You realise how blunt you are, right Hoseok-hyung?" (M/n) chortled, taking a sip of Hoseok's water. "Hmm. Shut up and come here." Hoseok said, pointing to his lap. (M/n) shuffled closer, avoiding Hoseok's lap but sitting next to him nonetheless.

He was then scooped up and sat on Hoseok's lap, Hoseok enveloping him into a tight, warm hug. "Mmf-hy-dyou smem mice~" (M/n) muttered into Hoseok's chest, Hoseok then chuckled, "what was that?"

"You smell nice~" (M/n) detached his head from its snug burial in Hoseok's chest as he spoke. He puffed his lips out in thought for a moment, and shuffled closer to Hoseok's face. He got even closer, but before he could do it himself, Hoseok knew what (M/n) was going to do and gave the brunette a big kiss on his cute button nose that Hoseok has always loved.

The two of them then cuddled up close, just like that until the sweet angel of sleep took over their bodies and minds.


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