Let Me (Jungkook)

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here, have a light-hearted slice of life oneshot to get you through this week :)
(M/n)'s POV
"See you later, momma! Love you!" I called out to my mother, then hopped into my dad's car. I knew how to drive it myself, but he liked to drive me to school every morning to give us the daily father-son bonding moment we need.

"So, big day at the old dumping ground for you, huh (M/n)?" Dad joked, ruffling my perfectly styled hair. Gee, thanks dad. Now I gotta do it all over again. "Yeah, there's supposed to be some new kids this semester." I replied, I wondered what these kids would be like. Jocks, nerds, maybe even goths? Or maybe they don't fit into any high school stereotype, perhaps they just exist somewhere between two, or maybe just none at all.

Maybe some are foreign, or have a weird quirk, like popping their shoulder blades out. Or maybe they have two different eye colours, or an eyebrow piercing, or.. "Quit zoning out, who's the lucky boy you're dreaming about?" Dad asked, flicking me on the forehead with his index and thumb.

See, unlike most middle aged asian men, my father wasn't stuck to some 'man of the house' conservative 1960s rules. (i wish i was u m/n) He frankly didn't care if you were gay or what not. Which is why he came to accept me when I came out. My mother took a little longer than him, in fact... when it comes up in conversation it's still a touchy subject for her and I, but it's okay, I'll just be patient.

"Huh? No dad, I was just thinking about what the new people at school would be like. We hardly get new students here so we'd be lucky if there's even one." I said, to which he nodded, then told me that he had reached the school. I looked out and saw the familiar building, I gave my father a hug and bid him farewell.

Then I needled my way through the never ending sea of people down the corridor, I had made it just in time for the bell and surprisingly everyone seemed to really not want to be late today. "I heard he's like 5'10" and super muscular, he sounds so hot!" I overheard a group of girls' conversation, perhaps they were on about the new guy? Since I wasn't friends with them however, I didn't dare interject to find out anymore.

I sat down in my usual History seat, noticing I was actually pretty early. The only people here were the overachievers and people that look like they've been sleeping in this classroom since Friday. i.e. Yoongi. The guy's like a plant. Wherever he sits, he looks like he's been growing out of the ground there forever. And plants don't talk an awful lot, neither does Yoongi. Which is why I can tolerate him out of all people.

We're like friends, but only because we have no other friends. Well, I have no other friends. Yoongi does, but he prefers someone quieter to spend time with in class. So I'm his class buddy, if you will. Only bad thing is that we don't sit next to each other in history. Yoongi sits with some random girl I'm too introverted to know the name of, and I sit alone.

That is.. until today.

"Alright class, now that you're all here, we have a new student to introduce to you guys. Come up here, sweetie." Mrs. Kim greeted, she's Kim Namjoon's mother, and Namjoon is one of Yoongi's friends. Yeah, that's all you need to know. Then, once my attention was back to what was going on, I heard a bunch of girls giggle and whisper, and a tall, very attractive dark haired male walked up front.

"Hi, my name's Jungkook, uhhh.. happy to be here?" He chuckled, running a hand through his unruly dark brown hair. His smile reached his eyes before it even reached his lips, and it felt like the whole class cooed when he flashed us an adorable bunny-like smile.

"Eeek! He's so cute! Oppa, sit next to me!!~" The loud girl sitting next to Yoongi yelled, half pushing poor Yoongs off his seat. "I don't think I'm your oppa, and you already have a seat partner." He said calmly, then made his way to Mrs. Kim to ask her where to seat him.

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