Soulmates (Seokjin)

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Can I just start this off by saying holy shit I love Jinnie with all my heart and mind and body and soul and I've always had like the strongest yearning to hug him ohgmfmsm. This dork is 27 can u even believe. He's 10 yrs older than me no fair T^T

 He's 10 yrs older than me no fair T^T

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—————————————————Third PersonThe brunette male traced his small hand over the mark on his collarbone, a mark that connected him to another being, simply by fate

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Third Person
The brunette male traced his small hand over the mark on his collarbone, a mark that connected him to another being, simply by fate. Being just shy of twenty six, he seriously doubted ever finding his life long love, his soulmate.

He tied his apron around his small, elf-like waist, having to tie the straps around twice, almost thrice for it to fit snugly around him. He happened to be running late this morning and being the absentminded guy he is, (M/n) decided his mode of combat was to pick up the first item of clothing he spotted and chuck it on.

Said item of clothing ended up being a very, very low cut beige silk shirt that exposed almost half of his chest, conveniently showing off his soul mark. Paired with some delightful dark brown pants. All in all, it wasn't so bad for a last minute thrown-together kind of outfit, but it wasn't exactly tease-proof from his playful colleagues at the cafe he worked at.

"Wahh, since when did we have idols working here?" Taehyung joked, pulling on the collar of (M/n)'s shirt, practically taking it off. (M/n) swatted Tae's hand away quickly, already embarrassed enough to be wearing this. "When will you learn to respect your elders, Taehyung?" Jin clicked his tongue, luckily fighting off (M/n)'s 'bully', who soon left to get his bussing work done.

"Thanks Jin, happy birthday by the way!" (M/n) wished Jin, handing him a cupcake he'd made especially for Jin, with Jin's handsome face printed on sugar paper on it and all. To have a (M/n) cupcake was an honour on it's own, he was only the most experienced, most talented baker the world has ever seen, but to have him custom make you oNe was just all the better!

Jin's face lit up, he quickly thanked (M/n) before scoffing down the scrumptious sweet treat. His eyes shone brightly, sparkling with delight. "Wow, thif if amazinf!" Being the manchild he is, Jin complimented (M/n) with his mouth full.

"I know, I know, Don't forget your manners now." (M/n) joked, playing with his own chain necklace casually. "Ah, is that your soul mark? It looks so familiar, yet I've never seen yours before..." Jin said, gesturing towards the majestic Phoenix on (M/n)'s collarbone.

"Weird.. maybe you know my soulmate? I don't know, but we must get back to work now" (M/n) said, cheeks tinted a light red when he noticed Jin staring at his practically exposed chest. He didn't know why, but he liked the way Jin looked at him, like he could break him if he stared too hard.

The two of them got back to work in the bakery, Jin preparing the savoury breads and buns and pastries, while (M/n) worked with the sweets.


(M/n) was now done with all his baking, he just had to let everything cool so he could ice it with buttercream. So he decided to go and help the newly turned twenty seven year old, who seemed to be having trouble with his sleeves when trying to knead some dough.

"Here, let me just.." (M/n)'s hands grazed Seokjin's wrist lightly, sliding his sleeves up. Seokjin jolted at the touch, and (M/n) stepped back a little, and what they saw would change their lives forever..

Seokjin's Phoenix soul mark, now glowing and looking almost alive with a fiery orange glow surrounding it, (M/n)'s chest buzzing and glowing to match. The two bakers were indeed, soulmates.

Both of their cheeks hosted a bright pink blush, Jin's face contorted into one of happiness and shock at the same time. (M/n)'s eyes were wide, he silently thanked himself for wearing that shirt.

"Wow, I never thought.. on my birthday.. wow" Jin struggled to find words that fit the amount of emotions he had at the moment, he was in disbelief. He's always had feelings for the cute baker, watching him tediously tie his apron, clumsily fumble in a few minutes late, he was the perfect balance of dorky and cute.

On the other hand, (M/n) practically joined this cafe because of the cute staff member. He saw him at the counter once on his way to his last job, and was convinced he wanted to get to know him. Something about Jin just drew (M/n) to him, and now he finally had his answer. Fate.

It finds you in the strangest of times, when you'd least expect it, in a job in a small town café, working the usual shift, just helping out a colleague. It just binds you to that one special someone, who's meant for you just as much as you're meant for them.

Just as the two males came down from their happy shock, Jin's face lit up when he thought of (M/n)'s lips. He slowly touched his face, his hands still with smudges of bread dough on them, lightly stroking (M/n)'s cheek. "May I?" He asked as he leaned closer, waited for approval, which was granted in a red-faced nod from his newly found soulmate, and leaned in, locking lips with his fated one.

Seokjin's plump lips formed a perfect duet with (M/n)'s, eyes closed and hearts pounding, the two men passionately, but chastely took each and other's lips in a warm, slow embrace.

This went on for a few more seconds before the door burst open, Taehyung reeling in with a pile of plates balanced on his left arm. "Ah, finally!" He chuckled, waddling to the back to get rid of the dirty plates in the sink. "What do you mean?" (M/n) quizzed, looking at Taehyung inquisitively.

"I always knew you guys were connected in some way, man if I could've bet on it-"

"-Okay that's enough, you're not getting a cut out of anyone's salary!" Jin scolded the younger, hitting him with a rolling pin.


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