Young Forever (Taehyung)

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Taehyung's POV
I can't believe I'm about to do this. The rush of adrenaline mixed with the overwhelming nervousness must be getting to me. What I'm about to do, you ask? Well, you see, I have this friend. Childhood friend, very special friend. He's grown up with me practically. Why should I be nervous? Well, to add to that backstory, I have a huge, no, humongous, no ginormous crush on him.

And that's when the jazz music stops playing.

Yeah, it's not exactly the most accepted thing in South Korea, or just anywhere in Asia in general. So this is just, all in all, stressful. Of course, he knows I have feelings towards guys, he was the first person I told. He accepted it, and took it really well surprisingly. But he's never spoken to me about his preferences. He was always like that, I never knew what he thought, he's so selfless that he'll hold himself back to help me out.

He always says 'TaeTae-hyung, I don't wanna burden you' and he always calls me hyung, even though I told him he could drop the honourifics, he never did. Says his mother always brought him up to be respectful. Even when we argue he'll always call me hyung.

He's always been the type to hide his feelings, and maybe that's why I never knew his sexuality. Or maybe he's just straight and doesn't really need to tell me anything.

As much as I'd want him to like me back, I'll have to expect the worst. After all, he's my best friend and I would hate to ruin it.

But here we go. Risks are meant to be taken.

I called him to the meadow we always hang out at, sometimes we hold hands and run around like little kids again. We've always been like that, affectionate little children. Even now when we're young men, when we're together, we're young forever.

He makes me feel so full of life.

I sift my way through the soft fluffy grass, plucking out a dandelion fly and blowing the white petals off of it, making a silent wish. 'I wish I can be with (M/n)' A selfish wish, but one I need to come true.

Just then I heard a ruffle in the grass, and a loud high-pitched "TAETAE-HYUNG!!" Yelled right from behind me.

"Well if it isn't the mighty lion (M/n)" I chuckled, ruffling his poofy (H/c) hair. He giggled cutely and smacked my hand off of his hair. "Hyung, you messed up my hair, dork" He whined, stretching his arm out to ruffle my hair too, which proved unsuccessful when I scooted away, making him run and chase me till we lost our breath.

After we cooled down a bit and collapsed onto the soft grass, I felt like it was time. And by that I mean, the sun was just about setting, painting the sky a peachy orange color. The grass felt almost like a blanket, and the light breeze blew (M/n)'s hair gently making him look beyond ethereal.

It was time to confess to him.

"Hey, (M/n)?" I said, my voice heightening at the end to sound almost like a question. "Hmm?" He hummed, still paying his attention to the sunset ahead of us.

"Look at me." I said this almost like a command, though I mean it in the kindest way possible. He obliged and turned towards me making eye contact for a brief moment before mousing away, still looking at me, but not in the eyes.

He's been doing that a lot lately, I'm worried that he's scared of me. I really hope not. "There's something I need to tell you." I carried on, feeling a pit of nervousness build up in my stomach again. Oh well, there's no turning back now.

"What is it?" He asked, raising one of his eyebrows, a thing he does when he's curious. "Well, you see, I kinda uhm.. like you." I let my words out into the open air, a bit of the nervousness leaving me before coming right back when he opened his mouth to reply.

"Of course you do, we're best friends dummy" He giggled, oblivious to the real meaning. My face turned serious, and yet (M/n) still had his playful smile. I took this chance to speak and properly explain how I feel.

"No, (M/n). I like.. I love you. Not as a best friend. As... more." I looked down at the end of my sentence, afraid of his reaction.

"Damn, T-TaeTae-h-hyung.. I love y-you too." He stuttered, looking up at me with a small smile.

Before I could even process everything, happiness hit me like a truck on the freeway. "OH MY GOD, REALLY? I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!" I yelled excitedly, capturing him into a hug.

He giggled, mumbling something about me being a dork. We pulled apart and met eyes, and I figured this was time to pop that one question that confirms it.

"So,,does this mean we're..boyfriends?"

"YES SIR WE INDEEDY ARE" (M/n) yelled, the excitement settling in to him too, finally.

"YAY! ACH I could kiss you right now." I proclaimed, happy to finally get what I wished for. (M/n)'s cheeks blared a bright red, and that was when I realised exactly what I said there.

So before you're like awww, the thing is, neither of us have actually had our first kiss yet. I just did what I saw in movies and leaned in, and thankfully he'd leaned in too.

Then we kinda made eye contact for a split second before closing our eyes and connecting our lips, yeah it was chaste and quick, but a good first kiss. Because the lovey atmosphere was still thickly present between the two of us, I decided I should go in for round two. Dos, dul, the second one. I leaned in once more, and (M/n) got the memo, leaning in as well.

This time, it was different. This time I really got to savour his lips. His lips have always looked so good to me, I know now that he uses strawberry flavoured chapstick. When his soft lips moved against mine I truly felt accomplished, almost like I had won the lottery.

I cupped his smooth, soft (S/c) cheek with my hand, deepening the kiss by lightly sucking on his bottom lip. He hummed, satisfied with this moment I'd assume.

I was satisfied too. I pulled apart, and so did he, and we caught our breaths back. My hand still cupping his soft cheek. I rubbed his cheek with my thumb, feeling the warmth of his pint tinted skin.

He nuzzled into my hand cutely, and I wrapped both arms around him, and we stayed like that, cuddling on the lush grass for a long while, before it got dark and we went back home, only to look forward to spending another peaceful day together again, in the midst of the beautiful meadow around us.
(A/n) sorry for being gone for ages, I hope you enjoy this. Let me know what you guys want, feel free to request stuff or even DM me requests if you want. 🥰💕

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