Hitch Hiker (Hoseok)

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(M/n)'s POV
I was on my way to Seoul when I was met in a bus accident. Luckily since I was at the back I came out unharmed, except I now am exhausted and 100% stranded. It's late right now so there won't be any available buses into the city, so now I'm stuck out in the middle of nowhere with nothing but my dead phone, luggage, and the clothes on my back. I sat sprawled on the sidewalk, watching trucks and cars pass and light up the scenery with their headlights. I decided I should hitch a ride and stop one of the passing cars, holding my arm out with a thumbs up, waiting to catch someone's attention.

Hoseok's POV
I was on my way home to the dorms after taking a hiking trip with some family for our break. I was excited to see the members again and spend the rest of our time off with them. As I was driving down the highway my headlights illuminated the shape of a young male, standing tiredly with his arm out, he looked exhausted, and his clothes were dirty and hair a tousled mess.

I gave it no second thought and stopped the car, wanting to help the tired stranger out. I rolled down my window. "Hey, I see you need a ride?" I asked, catching the boy's attention. "Yeah, I'm lost and I need to get back to my apartment in Seoul." He said, timidly rubbing the back of his neck. It was now I caught a full glimpse of the male, behind the small scrapes on his face and little smudges of dirt, which by the looks of it he was involved in the crash a few miles back, he was pretty handsome to say the least.

"I'm actually just heading back to Seoul myself. Come in." I said through and smiled through my mask. He nodded and opened the door shyly and stepped in, sitting at the passenger seat beside me. "I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself, my name's Jung Hoseok, pleasure to meet you." I realized I had just revealed my identity to the handsome stranger, and my eyes widened along with his and I chuckled nervously.

"H-Hang on a minute. J-Hope?" He asked, his brows furrowed cutely and he studied my features, although his studies were limited by the black mask covering the bottom half of my face. "Yup, this is he" I smiled, pulling the mask down and winking at the handsome stranger. "May I know your name?"

(M/n)'s POV
I'm screaming, well, internally. It's not everyday you find yourself sat in your bias's car, and definitely not every day he winks at you and cares enough to want to know your name. "I-I'm (M/n)" I stuttered, playing with my fingers and staring down at them like they were the most interesting thing on the planet. God damn why did I stutter?

"I like that name" Hoseok complimented, still focused on the road. "Thanks, H-Hoseok-hyung" I replied shyly. "So I'm guessing you were in the bus crash?" He asked, to which I nodded. "Yeah, there were a few people who were quite badly injured, luckily no one died though. I would hate to see that." Hoseok nodded, turning towards me to give me a small smile. "I heard about it on the radio, so that's why the traffic's horrendous, so glad there weren't any casualties though" He chuckled.

We shared a few moments of comfortable silence before the idol blurted out a profanity. "Sorry about that, it's just, we've just joined a massive queue." I noticed now that we had slowed down and were now stuck in a traffic jam. Sighing internally, I thought my roommate must be extremely worried about me. "Hey, uh Hobi hyung? My phone's dead, could I maybe call my roommate using yours?" I asked, and Hoseok nodded and handed me his phone after typing in the passcode. I noticed his lock screen was of himself as a flower. This man is so cute.

"Hey, noona, I won't be home till late because long story short the bus crashed, don't worry I'm unharmed but right now I'm getting a ride back to Seoul" I said, instantly hearing my motherly roommate Lea's tone turn concerned. "Please take care, make sure the driver doesn't drug you or kidnap you or see you to BTS like in those fanfics you read" I chuckled, I know something she doesn't.

Hoseok heard our entire conversation as it was on speaker, and he laughed out loud at my roommate's silly dad jokes. "I think we found Jin's soulmate." He said, and I nodded in agreement. "(M/n)? Who's that? The driver? He knows BTS? I wish Jin was my soulmate, he's like sooo daddy" I could practically hear her drooling over Jin, and Hoseok was basically dying of laughter over our conversation.

"Again, I don't expect you to agree with me because you need to stay loyal to your bias J-hope but-" Just then, I cut the call before Hoseok could hear any more and turned away, blushing madly.

"I'M YOUR BIAS???? Cute~!!" Hoseok pinched my cheek, turning me to look at him. He held my face in his hands, leaning over to peck my cheeks. "Cute" Peck. "Cute" Peck. "Cute." Peck. With every move he made I felt my tummy do backflips. Meanie. He's making me look like a tomato.

"What was that for?" I asked, hiding my face in my hands and playfully hitting his arm. "For being cuteeee~" he cooed, now noticing the traffic was clearing off and starting the car up again.

I blushed like hell the entire ride until Hoseok pulled up at the gas station. "(M/n)-ah, since it's really late, you can stay over at the dorms" He offered. "Hyung are you sure? Will your manager be okay with it? I don't want to be an inconvenience"

"I'm sure it will be fine, it's our break anyway, pleaseee~" Hoseok pouted and pleaded on and on until I agreed, so I called up my roommate and told her I'd be staying at a friend's place because it was so late.


We arrived at the BTS dorms and Hoseok turned the key to the door. "Hey guys I hope you don't mind if a friend of mine stays over tonight. I actually Just met him today, his name's (M/n)" he called out. "Hoseok-ah are you crazy? He could- oh hi" Yoongi greeted me, after seeing my torn clothes and slight scrapes on my skin, his expression softened.

"The bus crash huh?" He asked, referring to the incident that happened several hours ago now. "Yeah, that." I let out a nervous chuckle, being in the same room with two of the people I look up to so much is insane.

"Helloooo Hobi-hyung, hi (M/n) person" Jungkook came from the kitchen and said, shaking my hand. "H-hey" I stuttered, oh god now three.

Soon the whole room was full of attractive men and they all introduced themselves to me. Through the night, I found myself drinking and joking and getting more and more familiar with BTS, especially Hoseok. And just as every twenty first century (twenty first century girl ;)) kid these days does, we all exchanged numbers too.

Now, it was time for bed and after much argument, I was going to be sleeping in Hoseok's room. "Hehehe I won" he smirked in triumph, pulling me into a hug. My stomach did the backflips again, geez, did I swallow an Olympic gymnast?

"Hmm" I hummed, Hoseok had a sunroof, and at nighttime you could see all the stars above you through the clear glass. We were both lying on our backs, admiring the celestial balls of fire and gas we know as stars, when Hoseok spun me round so that he was on top of me. My breathing hitched and my cheeks burnt up into a bright red. Admiring the beautiful man above me, I let out a satisfied sigh I didn't know I was holding in.



"Can I kiss you?"

"Uh- s-s-sure H-Hoseok hyung"

And with that, Hoseok captured my lips into a passionate kiss, when his lips moved against mine I felt fireworks inside me. Nothing else mattered but him, and I, and the rollercoaster of a night I had.

A/n: Heyyyy so it's my fellow pisces Beomgyu from TXT's birthday today, let's show our newly debuted babe some love shall we? Anyway I hope you liked this somewhat fluffy oneshot, I know a lot of these situations are unrealistic asf but heyyy anyt...

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A/n: Heyyyy so it's my fellow pisces Beomgyu from TXT's birthday today, let's show our newly debuted babe some love shall we? Anyway I hope you liked this somewhat fluffy oneshot, I know a lot of these situations are unrealistic asf but heyyy anything is possible in fanfiction ;)

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