Sleepy (Yoongi)

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Yoongi's POV
(M/n)'s so sleepy today, his work really tires him out by the end of the day. He works in a soft play area and spends all his days with screaming toddlers, if I had a job like that I'd hate it so much, but (M/n) says it's the most rewarding job in the world. It's like we're the exact opposite in every way, but we still make it work.

Today's different though. For once, I'm the first one up, meaning I have to figure out how to make breakfast. I decided to just keep it simple and go for some waffles, but since we didn't have any ready made waffles I had to make the mix from scratch and pour it into the waffle iron.

As my waffles were roasting up, I tended to the boiling water for our coffee machine. But before I could even put the coffee pod in, the smoke alarm began beeping madly, startling my sleepy boyfriend.

Oh shit, the waffles.

"MIN YOONGI WHAT THE FU-FLIP?!?!" (M/n) yelled, still managing not to swear, being the child friendly guy he has to be. "You know you can swear around me right" I giggled.

"Whatever, what are you doing anyway? Burning the house down?" (M/n) scolded in a quieter voice this time. I swear he's been hanging out with Jin too much, his mom-ness is rubbing off on him. "Shh shhh calm down" I said, fanning the smoke down and cleaning out the burnt waffles from the iron. The beeping stopped and I got the situation under control before making a new batch of waffles, this time with the help of my lovely assistant (M/n).

"See, when you don't get distracted and keep a steady hand, it comes out perfectly!" (M/n) complimented my 'perfect' golden brown waffle.

He then got some fruits and whipped cream and we adorned our waffles with our chosen toppings before crashing on the couch for a lazy morning of cuddling and watching Disney movies. Before we began watching Bambi, an ad popped up on the screen saying 'Make sure you're cuddled up with your little ones for this movie' to which I joked, booping (M/n)'s nose and calling him my little one.

"Yoongi?" (M/n) said looking up at me with his beautiful beady (E/c) eyes. "Hmm?" I hummed in response. "You ever thought about adopting kids?" He asked out of the blue, a serious tone in his voice.

There was a moment of silence before I piped in. "Maybe, I mean I'd be fine with it, but with our jobs it might be a little too much. Possibly when we're older."

He seemed satisfied with my response, and nodded, saying he agrees that we should wait a little bit too. I'm sure (M/n) would be an amazing dad, though I have doubts about myself but I'm sure I could get there with time.

But for now it's just me, and him, the noisy smoke alarm, and our waffles and coffee.
A/n: Hey y'all I'm shit with updating have some soft Yoongi shit cause I feel like not enough writers shed light on his soft side, and we need sum of that uwu

This is so short kick me

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