Whoopsies (Jungkook)

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this one was requested by @_bxdbxd_ lemme try making this one as cute as i can (: also SIDENOTE DID U SEE THE CONCEPT PHOTOS JIMINS HAIR I HDBXBC
Third Person
(M/n)'s eyelids felt heavy as he tried to convince himself to stay up a little longer, it sucks that his job physically drains his energy so much. Thankfully, his energetic gamer boyfriend Jungkook had his game to keep him busy as (M/n) fought the war of sleep.

Jungkook vigorously jabbed at his controller, he'd lowered the volume for the sake of his sleepy boyfriend, but still the click of the plastic was creating a somewhat noisy atmosphere. It wasn't anything (M/n) wasn't used to however, as Jungkook would often spend his nights at the foot of their king sized bed playing video games until he felt tired enough to sleep.

(M/n) cozied himself deep under the heavy covers, his breathing slowing down from fatigue. His side of the bed was considerably smaller than his chaotic boyfriend Jungkook's, which wasn't a big problem for (M/n), but even with that privilege he often rolled over to (M/n)'s side to hold him.

Jungkook just loved holding him.

It brought such a joy to his heart, to see his beloved (M/n) wrapped so safely in his arms, away from anything and anyone that opposed them. Jungkook was the perfect balance of protector and softie.

Jungkook smirked as he entered the last leg of the game, the most challenging one. It was odd, but the longing and anticipation to be cuddling up to his boyfriend gave him the motivation to do better, so he could end the game sooner. So he could hold him again.

Jungkook smiled warmly as he felt the covers shift from beneath where he sat. (M/n) often shifted around to get comfortable when he wasn't snug in Jungkook's hold. Soon baby, soon, he thought.

"Gone quiet again, lover boy?" His buddy Taehyung's said through the voice chat. "You'll know when you find someone as cute as my (M/n) dumbass." Jungkook replied as he shot down some more opposition, clearing the digital dirt path for Taehyung and himself to hike through. Taehyung huffed, he'd run out of ammo. "I think I'll just stick with my Yeontan. Being a single dad is fun." Jungkook chuckled, donating some of his bullets to Taehyung.

"You do that then. Some of us prefer non human companions, which is why Yeontan likes to spend time with you." Jungkook said, smirking as his friend hilariously overreacted about his joke. That's very non human of you, Taehyung.

Just as Jungkook was getting into it, his cover was blown and he was shot down by an opposing player, and had run out of ammunition after shooting some more with Taehyung. "MOTHERFUCKER!" Jungkook yelled a little too loud. He felt a flinch from behind him and instantly took off his headphones, rushing over to (M/n) to make sure he's okay.

(M/n) trembled slightly in Jungkook's arms, Jungkook cuddled him close to his warm chest with the upmost care. "Hey, hey baby, hey (M/n) it's okay, I'm sorry about shouting there. I just got riled up. C'mon, lemme make it up to you, my baby." Jungkook spoke in a hushed voice as he rocked (M/n) back and forth on their bed, wrapping him up like a burrito in their mass of pillows, stuffies and blankets.

(M/n) whined, lifting up Jungkook's shirt and hiding underneath it. "Hey, no, baby it's okay, come back, I love you" Jungkook leaned in and kissed the top of (M/n)'s head, still trying to reassure his sleepy boyfriend after his outburst.

"S-sorry Kookie, I just g-got startled, 'm not scared of you" (M/n) stammered, pulling his head out of Jungkook's shirt and finding comfort in his lap. Jungkook bounced (M/n) on his knee, humming a tune to get him even sleepier. He poked (M/n) on the cheek so he would look up at him.

"Goodnight kiss baby?" Jungkook asked, pursing his lips and awaiting an answer. (M/n), despite being tired, enthusiastically nodded. Jungkook leaned closer, connecting his lips with (M/n)'s for a delightful, loving kiss. (M/n)'s lips tasted of the strawberry chapstick he uses at night to keep his lips plush and soft, just for moments like this.

Jungkook absolutely loved it, just like he absolutely loves (M/n) and every aspect of his personality and appearance. It doesn't take long for him to get butterflies when thinking of his gorgeous boyfriend, and you could say the same for both of them.

(M/n) couldn't be more delighted and content with being in Jungkook's arms, being kissed like this. It brought a familiar rosey blush to his cheeks and ears, which Jungkook giggled at when they pulled apart, faces still close.

"You are so cute." Jungkook said as he pecked (M/n) on the cheek, then the other one, then his lips, and then again. He kissed (M/n)'s forehead too, and his nose. By the time he'd stopped, (M/n) was a bright beetroot red with blush.

"I love you Kookie" (M/n) said as he snuggled closer to Jungkook. Jungkook grinned from ear to ear, he never fails to get excited hearing this. "I love you too (M/n), goodnight baby" he kissed (M/n) goodnight, tucking him in as he held him tightly.

"Goo-" before (M/n) could even finish his goodnight, he fell fast asleep on Jungkook. Jungkook chuckled quietly, soon drifting off into a peaceful sleep as well.

Everything felt so right in this moment. It didn't matter to him anymore, that some fuckass killed him in his video game after he'd worked so hard to get to the last leg, the only thing he cares about right now is sleeping next to his favorite person, (M/n).

This night was meant for lovers of the purest kind.

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