Teasing Brat (All 7)

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Request by 92BHYUNS , writing this one a little different by trying out a second person POV. tell me what u think (:
Second Person
You wiped the beads of perspiration from your forehead as you took a big swig of water that the staff had handed to you earlier. Hoseok ruffles your wavy tufts of lilac hair, smiling widely at you as you cooled down after your performances. "You did so good today, can I kiss you?" He begged, much to your amusement.

"We're not dating, you silly boy." You hit his arm, pushing him away with a pout on his face as your makeup artist touched up your self-proclaimed (and backed up by seven billion people) masterpiece of a face. You notice another one of the boys approaching you out of the corner of your eye, and instantly come in contact with a sweaty Seokjin.

"I made you a sandwich, surely I deserve a kiss more than Hobi?" He said as he handed you the food item. You simply chuckled and took a bite, rolling away from him on the spinning office chair to change into your white shirt and jeans for the closing words to wrap up the concert. "Yah! Come back here you brat! I'm not finished with you!"

Once you'd changed, your eyes lit up in excitement. You knew the boys would scold you for ages once they see your outfit. Instead of following the norm and going for a plain t-shirt or the tour one, you decided to just be an absolute bitch and wear a racy Adidas crop top and some fitted bodycon pants to match.

After some time spent in the mirror admiring your own ass, you heard a knock at the door. "We're back on, (M/n)!" Namjoon chirped in his 'leader voice'. You hummed and quickly got to your feet, taking one last look at your stunning figure as you made your way backstage to meet with the rest of the members.

"Oh my god, you fucking slu-" "-Pretty boy! You look good! Shut up Yoongi-hyung!" Jungkook interrupted Yoongi's snide remark, hitting him on the chest repeatedly. You giggled as a response, muttering an "I know I do" to the youngest as the eight of you made your way to the stage.

The crowd instantly erupted into cheers as their beloved BTS graced the stage. Namjoon grabbed his mic, his face lighting up at the sight of the excited crowd of fans. "Hello ARMY! Thank you so much for coming out tonight, I enjoy your excitement! I'll let Taehyung say something to you now, he looks too excited!" Namjoon spoke with the biggest, sparkliest smile to the fans.

Third Person
"I love seeing your smiles so much, ARMY! I just want to apologise on behalf of our older 97 liner (M/n), he spends too much time getting ready for us- uh, YOU!! Look how he's wearing something different to us." Taehyung remarked, eyes automatically travelling up and down (M/n)'s figure.

This didn't go unnoticed to some fans, who's cameras were quick to capture Taehyung's hard, almost lustful stare at the second youngest. The crowd went crazy over this. (M/n) grabbed his mic, shooting a dagger-like glare at Taehyung before speaking, "Ignore him. I like being the odd one out, you know? Anyway, you like my top?" (M/n) asked, a wide smile on his face.

"YES, I DO LIKE TAEHYUNG-AH" One quick-witted ARMY yelled, a bright shade of pink dusting both of the member's cheeks. Namjoon tried to clear the air and make it more family friendly, but instead all he could muster was a few giggles into the mic. "Namjoon-hyung found that funny, haha, ARMY you make us laugh!" Jimin quickly butted in, but this only caused the crowd to die some more.

"Okay, Anyway as I was saying, thank you for coming out tonight, we love you guys so much and can't wait to see you at the next show, until then, love yourselves and take care of yourselves for us, okay? Stay healthy ARMY." Namjoon said, as all eight members bowed to the crowd, voices erupting in a final cheer as they went backstage.

Namjoon watched from behind (M/n) as he strutted off, his delightful ass fully in view to the leader due to the figure-hugging pants he decided to wear. Namjoon could no longer help himself, "Fuck it" He said under his breath as he placed his hand on (M/n)'s ass, giving it a hard squeeze. (M/n) bit his lip, boring his piercing eyes into the culprit behind him.

"Who told you you could do that, Joon?" He remarked, rubbing his slightly sore butt with a very obvious glare. "I felt like it." Namjoon said with a blank expression, the other members having already gone to their dressing room, leaving the two of them alone in the dimly lit corridor.

"Oh yeah? Too bad you can't just touch me when you feel like it, we aren't on that base, Joon." (M/n) said in a mocking tone, letting out a giggle as the leader's face contorted into one of annoyance, Namjoon clenches his jaw, rolling his eyes as he grabbed (M/n)'s wrist, pulling him up against a wall.

Namjoon had to show (M/n) they have the upper hand.

"First of all, it's hyung to you. Second of all, stop being such a fucking tease." He gritted his teeth as (M/n) still had a playful glint in his eyes, not even faltering for a minute into nervousness despite the leader's commanding appearance.

(M/n) freed himself from Namjoon's grip, strutting past all the half-naked members who whistled at him and called his name. "Come here." He recognised Yoongi's voice, raising his eyebrows and going to see what the second oldest wanted.

"Slut. Fucking slut. That's what you are. You know what you're doing to us, what that body of yours does to us." Yoongi seethed, laying his hands on (M/n)'s hips, clicking his teeth and pinching his exposed skin when (M/n) didn't say anything in response.

"What does it do, what do I do to you, Suga?" (M/n) uses Yoongi's stage name when he wants to be bratty, and this only riled him up even more so. "You.. you make us want to make you ours... forever. Fucking just, destroy that pretty body of yours, fully own you just cause we can." Yoongi said, his eyes averting from (M/n), though his hands still firmly on the brat's hips.

"Then do it." Was all the boys could register from (M/n)'s quiet tone, their lips curling up into smirks as they saw the vulnerable position (M/n) was in. Yoongi quickly took his chance to have his way with (M/n), licking a part of his neck and planting a dark purple lovebite on the side of it. "Mine." He grunted as he smashes their lips together, aggressively working on (M/n)'s lips, pulling apart and leaving the younger member breathless and flustered.

(M/n) quickly sat down on the couch, still trying to catch his breath. A string of drool hung out his lips, his cheeks the colour of cotton candy. Seokjin took this opportunity to put his arms on either side of (M/n), making it impossible for him to escape.

"You like making us fight for you, don't you, love?" Seokjin said, tenderly placing little kisses down (M/n)'s exposed stomach. The rest of the boys then joined in to get their turn. Taehyung leaving a hickey on the other side of (M/n)'s neck, smirking at his plum coloured masterpiece.

Jimin dug into his bag, pulling out a pink collar which read "Master's Cheeky Slut" on the metal plate in the center of it. He clasped it around (M/n)'s neck, then eagerly kissed him on the mouth, tasting the flavoured lipgloss (M/n) now wishes he hadn't worn. "He's wearing it, I didn't wipe all of it off yet." Jimin said, smirking devilishly and knowing exactly what he'd done. That was all it took for Jungkook to shove everyone out of his way to taste (M/n)'s sweet lips.

"You, you.. w-why are you doing this to me?" Jungkook said in a low tone, tugging on (M/n)'s lower lip with his teeth as he desperately kissed him, tasting the notes of strawberry and peach and pulling on (M/n)'s collar till his closed eyes began to water. "So pretty." Jungkook said as he pulled away.

Hoseok then pinned (M/n) harshly against the couch, kissing away all his tears as he shifted the collar to leave a mark of his own on (M/n). He stroked the fresh, sensitive hickey as (M/n) shivered from the touch.

(M/n) just looked so desirable to the boys. With his messy hair, skin glistening with sweat and a pink hue on his cheeks. His swollen lips and marked up neck. The collar they got for him, so luxuriously on him as a reminder for (M/n) that he belongs to them, and they'll always tame him.

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