Five Stars (Jin)

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(M/n)'s POV
Seokjin and I are alone at home this morning, I don't know why but that's making me more nervous than ever. It's just that the boys just make it easier to be around Jin. It's nothing against him, it's just that I feel like he's so good at everything, and I kinda envy him for it.

I mean, not only are his vocals godly, he can cook like a boss, he always keeps an eye out for us and always had this protectiveness over us. Sometimes I wish I could help him out a little, must be difficult living in a dorm with seven man children.

I was thrusted out of my thoughts of Seokjin by the aromatic scent of black bean sauce hitting my nose. Before I could even react, my stomach growled like a ravenous wolf. "Yeesh, that's one hungry boy" Jin teased, rubbing my rumbling empty belly. For some reason, my cheeks seemed to heat up at his touch, I thought I was developing a fever for a sec.

"I'm not hungryyyy" I lied blatantly, trying to make excuses for my embarrassing rumbly stomach. He probably thinks I'm such a baby.

"Shhh, dinner's almost ready anyway, I've still got a little bit to do and then you can dig in" Jin instructed, wiping the seeds from the chilli pepper he just cut into his pink apron.

Suddenly, an idea shot into my head. Maybe if I help Seokjin out with the cooking, he won't view me as immature, if he even views me as anything at all. "Hey, Jin-hyung?"

"Hmm?" Jin hummed, still focused in stirring his sauce on the stove. "Can I help you with anything?" Oh shit here comes my nervous rambling.

"You can say no too, you know it's okay, I mean I don't see why you'd want me to help since I fuck stuff up a lot and stuff so it's okay if you say no I mean you don't need my help anyw-"


Seokjin's lips felt like marshmallow fluff on cotton candy. Maybe it's just cause I'm hungry but I swear he also tasted like it. Wait why is Seokjin kissing me?

I pulled away, utterly flustered and with only my hands and sleeves to hide my flaming cheeks. Seokjin cooed at my reaction. Absolute prick. Adorable prick. Fuck.

"Shhhh, why'd you do that?" I asked, slightly muffled by my sleeves covering my face.

"You we're putting yourself down, I didn't know how to shut you up without being rude." Jin shrugged.

"You motherfucker, that's the rudest way you could've done that!!"

"Your red cheeks say otherwise" Jin winked. Earning a smack on the arm from me.

Somehow that snack turned into Jin fighting back, which turned into the two of us in a risqué position. We toppled over and Jin ended up on top of me. The tension left me breathless, I didn't need my lungs anyway. God damn you Kim Seokjin.

Jin's POV
The two of us struggled to catch our breath, but once we did, it was cut off by a beeping noise. That beeping noise was the smoke alarm, set off by my burning black bean noodles.

"Shit shit shit shit!" I didn't care about language right now, my noodles are under attack. I made it to the stove, But.. It was too late. My noodles were wrecked.

"Hey it's okay, we can always order in some food. How about we watch a movie to pass the time?" The ever resourceful (M/n) suggested. I've always envied him for that. His resilience, his ability to remain thoughtful even under pressure. I was a complete panicky mess so it helped when he'd balance it out.

I turned off the stove and threw away the wrecked noodles and called in a Chinese takeout for the two of us.

"Hey, what movie you wanna watch?"


"(M/n) you demon you know Shiny is my weakness!"




A/n: hello enjoy this random filler trash also let me know if u want Jin smuteroni;)

Also also I'm working on a separate fanfic behind the scenes (hehe bts) and it's a little cliche but I'm really happy with how it's going so far so expect that sometime I guessssss

𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐗 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя