I'm Here (Seokjin)

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(M/n)'s POV
Being a trainee for Bighit was no mean feat. With the tight schedule and short breaks, we had little time for our mental health and often times I would find myself having a breakdown in the dance studio after giving up on a dance I couldn't grasp. Nothing was as bad as today however.

I've struggled with anxiety since elementary school, and had to hide away those documents from my soon to be manager and mentors, BTS. Lately it's been getting harder and harder to hide and Jin's noticed my behavior and being the eomma he is, he's been on my case so much lately. It's normal though, my best bet is he's like that to everyone.

I had just finished practicing my choreography for one of the songs we're gonna perform for my debut as the maknae, sub-vocalist and lead dancer in our group 'Moonlust'. I moved on to the second dance, this one was challenging for all six members including myself, in fact this was the one dance I was losing my shit over. I struggled with my body image for many years and the outfit in this dance shows a lot of skin, along with that the moves are almost impossible to grasp. I tried to protest against performing this since none of us really enjoy the dance at all, but the team loves it too much.

After trying over and over to finish it off and make it flow tighter we'll, I eventually gave up and curled into a ball of misery. What if the fans think we're shit? What if I mess up on vocals or dance? I came to Seoul from (hometown) and my parents have so much faith in me. They were iffy at first and they wanted me to stick to my original dream of being a scientist, but I've always had a deep passion for music and I feel like it's what I want to do. My dad put so much money into this, what if I fuck it all up? We'll lose so much, I can't let one slip up slide. I felt a warm liquid pour down in streams down my cheeks. Fuck now I'm crying, how pathetic is this? I never noticed my breathing pattern was all kinds of messed up until I started to feel dizzy and like the room was caving in on me. I suddenly felt a warm presence and a pair of strong arms around my panicked form. Noticing the familiar scent of  his cologne I recognized this person to be Jin. "J-Jin-hyung?" "Hey, hey.. it's okay, you're gonna be okay." I noticed the sweet voice in my ear was none other than Kim Seokjin, of course my gotdamn crush had to come in and hold me when I was having a panic attack. I was still sniffing and sobbing like a wild mess, though my heart felt lighter and a furious blush was creeping on to my face.

Jin's POV
I opened the door to check on (M/n) in the dance studio, he's been working perilously for his debut in three months and he's even taken time out of his break just to practice. We never even see him anymore, neither do the members of his group and we're all worried sick. For me, it's not just worry. It's also because I've genuinely loved him since he walked through the doors here, he makes me feel something I've never felt before and it pains me deeply to see him broken.

He was sobbing and his breathing was unsteady, my first instinct was to wrap him in my arms, hold him and reassure him. I rubbed soothing circles onto his back and he sobbed quietly into my shoulder. He looked up at me with tear stained cheeks and red, puffy eyes. He was so pretty even when he cried. "Jin-hyung, w-why did you come here?" His voice was still shaky but was a lot more calm. "I came to check on you, (M/n)-ah. I know you haven't given yourself any time to unwind, and the stress is getting to you." "I also came to tell you that you're doing amazing, I've never seen anyone with such a strong work ethic as yours, your dances are so emotional and so well put together, your vocals could captivate anyone and create an audience everywhere."

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