Babysitter (Jimin)

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"Come on, just for one night! You don't even want to go to it!~" Minyeong continued to pester Jimin, now shaking his shoulder repeatedly. "But can't he take care of himself? He's literally a year younger than us!" Jimin raised his voice to try and get his way, which proved unsuccessful due to the stubbornness of Minyeong. Ugh, men.

"Yeah, I mean.. you've spoke to him, but you don't know my little brother like I do. Eomma only agreed I can go to the party if one of my more responsible friends take care of (M/n) for the night. He could set the place on fire, heck, maybe even start some sort of rio-" Jimin placed his hand over her mouth as she got louder, knowing this would end in a scream war.

"Fine. I'll do it but... only if I get something in return." Jimin suggested, a cheeky smile quirking at his lips. "What something? Hm?? Tell me and I'll make arrangements." Minyeong replied in an office lady type of voice. "A kiss." Jimin puffed his chest out proudly as he said that, pointing coyly at his lips and wondering where on earth he'd got the courage to do so. Minyeong snorted, whacking her hand on his shoulder again. "Pfft. Yeah, from my brother." She joked, earning a flurry of giggles from the girls and boys at their table. Her brother...

"What's this? Jimin and (M/n)?" Hoseok yelled from across the table, chuckling like a madman. "Yah, I don't even know this kid that well! Plus, I don't go for guys, unlike someone here." Jimin glared between Hoseok and Yoongi, whom was just minding his business and eating his bread.

"Trust me Jimin, you'll lose your mind over (M/n)." Minyeong said, patting his shoulder once again just like she always does. Namjoon, the wise one, said he got a friendzone vibe from her towards Jimin, but nevertheless his crush on her still persisted. "Aha, in more ways than one." Hoseok butted in, once more taking the joke out on Jimin.

The table erupted in 'oohs' and 'ooh la las' and even a 'mmm soy Dora' which, you guessed it, was from Jungkook. As everyone felt jittery from the excitement for the party, Jimin only dreaded having to play babysitter with a teen only a year younger than himself. But if it pleases Minyeong, it's worth it isn't it?

*timeskip brought to you by there's a lil bit of smut at the end*

'Fuck this' Jimin thought as he dragged his feet back home. He felt uneasy about going there, for some reason he got an unfamiliar feeling the first time he and Minyeong's little brother talked, just about six weeks ago, yet he doesn't remember it that well. It all just felt like some sort of hot blur. He doesn't even remember what (M/n) looked like exactly, but in his head he just pictured Minyeong as a boy, and she always boasts about him being smaller than her, so he added that onto his mental image of (M/n) too.

After getting ready in just some casual home clothes, Jimin took the walk to Minyeong and (M/n)'s house. Minyeong had given Jimin her key in case her brother just told him to fuck off and didn't open the door, so that's what Jimin used to invite himself in. He didn't even bother to check if (M/n) was home, seeing as some girl group music was playing from the upstairs room, he already knew (M/n) was in there and just crashed on the couch instead.

Feeling more bored than ever, Jimin ordered a pizza and ate it while he watched a documentary about killer whales. This wasn't exactly 'babysitting', but despite all the drama surrounding (M/n), he's probably just in there dancing to Twice or something. Today must be one of those days where (M/n) does not try to blow up the Eiffel Tower or whatever his sister said.

Halfway through Jimin's documentary, the music had stopped and the room upstairs had quietened down a little. Jimin sighed contently, thinking (M/n) had fallen asleep or something. Jimin paused the documentary as he needed the bathroom, which was 'conveniently' up the stairs somewhere. Jimin climbed the stairs and reached the landing, almost pulling the handle on one of the doors when he stopped, hearing heavy breathing.

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