Cow Head (All 7)

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A/n: So this one's a lil spooky, it's based on this scary story I heard as a lil kid, it's a Japanese urban legend called 'Gozu' or 'Cow Head', anyway enjoy~
**this is based when BTS was only a year post debut**

Namjoon's POV
We were on the road again, the eight of us, BTS. Eight, you ask? Well, we recently welcomed a new member, (L/n) (M/n). I'd like to call him the member with the second highest IQ. We were touring the country once again, in our tour bus. It was pretty late but like always none of us could really get to sleep, except for Yoongi but surprisingly at this hour he was awake too.

"Joonie-hyung, tell us a story~" (M/n) pleaded, Jungkook nodding eagerly along with him. The others joined in, even my hyungs, all pleading for me to tell them a story. "Make it a scary one,I dare you" Yoongi threatened with a death glare.

"Uh- okay h-hyung!" I hesitated, knowing how scared Hoseok, Jimin and (M/n) would be by the end of it. Coincidentally, the three scaredy-cats of Bangtan cuddled closer to each other.

It was pretty dark in the bus, so I held a flashlight up to my face just to be extra. "You look like the ghost of Christmas past" Jin joked, lighting up the atmosphere.

Taehyung's POV
We were all snuggled up, waiting on RM to think of a story to tell us. He jumped forward and whisper yelled, "Oh!" When he remembered one.

Everyone shushed up to let him tell the story. "So, I heard this one from my Japanese friend, It's called 'cow head'. No one knows what happened to the whole story, because it's apparently so terrifying, after hearing it you could die of fright"

Hearing this, we all cuddled closer together, I peeled (M/n) from the grasp of Jimin and Hobi and wrapped my arms around him, just by that opening he was already shivering, how cute.

"So people have only been able to save fragments of the original tale. It goes like this, a town was struggling from a terrible famine, it was so bad they even resorted to eating cats and dogs, some even practicing cannibalism" Namjoon continued, interrupted by Yoongi muttering "Ew"

"So one day this.. thing, a man with a cow's head and human body, comes into their area, and the starving people attack and eat him too, no one knows where he came from, but the town was cursed horribly after that day. Later, archaeologists found his remains, cow's scull, man's body. Some have their theories, many believe it was Satan, come from Hell. Others think this whole story is made up."

"Of course it's made up, damn calm down kiddos." Jin said immediately, trying to calm down all of us, his 'kiddos'.

"But what if it's real?" Yoongi chimed in, wanting to wind up the easily scared members.

I cuddled (M/n) closer to me, Jungkook joined in as well, knowing he probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. Hoseok, Jimin and Jin were cuddling together and soon, Namjoon and Yoongi also joined our cuddle clusterfuck.

(M/n)'s POV
After Namjoon's scary story, we all cuddled up and fell asleep eventually. It was difficult to not get scared but with the boys' loving arms around me, it wasn't even that bad.

We all gathered on the couch for a few rounds of Super Smash Bros. Unsurprisingly, Hoseok ended up making a huge racket, alerting the driver who told us to keep it down.

We eventually simmered down and killed some time with the games on our phone, completely unbeknownst to the man with the cow head driving our tour bus.

just like me lmao

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