Halloween (All 7)

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(M/n)'s POV
Finally, it's Halloween! The one day you can dress up like a complete weirdo and not get judged for it. The one day you can be a completely different person, and for many like myself it means anonymity.

Why would I need it? Well, ask the seven guys who give me hell on earth at school every day.

I happen to have very good grades, and also happen to have beat out Kim Namjoon in our school's annual mathematics competition only two months ago. Just for the sheer jealousy he felt towards me, he got his whole posse to follow me around, calling me names and such, for the whole month after the competition.

Then, a few weeks ago, I was put on the school's merit board, being put on this board is like a once in a lifetime opportunity, and even overachiever class president Park Jimin hadn't been put on it. So, with him also being part of Namjoon's posse, this only fuelled their hatred and jealousy towards me even more. This jealousy soon turned physical, which resulted in Jimin being suspended, with his president's badge being taken away until he apologised to me and kept his distance. He had me pinned against the metal lockers, pulling on my collar with one hand and nearly choking me to death with the other.

He had a terribly eerie smirk on his face while doing so, and the other six laughed and made snide comments towards me as he squeezed his hand around my neck tightly. They said things like 'I bet he's enjoying this, don't get a boner you fucking freak' and 'oi aren't you gonna fight back? the merits ceremony won't go to itself nerd'.

Thankfully my torment was put to an end when a teacher saw and contacted the principal. Jimin was then taken into the office and received a mouthful from the man in charge of the school. He made his apology look so sincere in front of the principal, little did he know, Jimin would snap right back to his old self.

Just yesterday, Kim Seokjin dragged me by my hood and kicked me in the stomach once he'd had me against a wall. Jung Hoseok, whom was with him, finished his friend's work off by punching me where Seokjin had previously kicked.

Today, I dreamed of finally having an escape from it. Sure, even though the Bangtan Boys, as they call themselves, live very much in the same area as me, they're from a wealthier part and are most likely too posh to go to Halloween parties anyway.

So I texted my friend Lisa who was taking me to a house party hosted by some group of guys she met a few times. Lisa wasn't familiar with my struggle with the Bangtan fellas at school, since she had so many clubs to attend, even forming a girl group with three of her friends, so going out with her gave me even more of an escape.

Lalalalisaaa💓: Yo (M/n) the party is on 365 Street, Saint Beyoncé Drive. House number 12.

(M/n): damn the rich people area? okay lisss

Lalalalisaaa💓: Hey shush I managed to make friends with the youngest guy in their group since my girlfriend knew him so don't stress yah

(M/n): okay okay whateverr see u there in 10

I put my phone into my pocket and added some finishing touches to my merman makeup. I looked like an aquatic, intergalactic prince. Not some mundane nerd who gets thrashed by A grade hungry rich boys.

I decided to borrow my dad's car since it was nicer than mine, I wanted to make some sort of impression. I probably didn't even have to drive but I wasn't walking in the autumn wind and messing up all my hard work I had done on my costume.

I pulled into the gigantic driveway, already packed with quite a few cars, though most were in the parking lot they had. Taking the driveway means less walking though so, driveway it is.

𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐗 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora