No Chance (Jungkook)

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(M/n)'s POV
I thought this fresh start at the new boarding school would be easy. I could leave the trauma from torment of my torment of my peers behind, and start over in a new environment away from the negativity and stress. I was outed in school, the one friend I trusted told everyone I was gay, some teachers even made snide comments in regards to my sexual orientation. It got to me big time and my parents noticed this and moved my school.

Today, I find myself in my room, the window to my right is glistening from the rain earlier, tiny droplets racing each other down the glass. There's a lump in my throat that I'm trying to chase down with coffee. The bitter liquid pours down my throat as I sob quietly, hoping he doesn't hear me.

He, in question, is Jeon Jungkook, my roommate and the guy I found myself hopelessly falling in love with. He, is energetic and sporty and passionate about art, his voice is angelic and his smile is the most adorable thing you'd ever see. But he's also straight. And that's why my sorry ass is crying over him.

It's gotten to the point where I can't even look at him without my heart speeding up. He's probably sick of me, that's why he's been avoiding me. I'm weirding him out I just know it.

A quiet knock is sounded on my door, shit he must've heard me. "Hey, (M/n) is everything okay?" Jungkook's voice is muffled slightly through the wooden door, but it's still soothing and almost makes me forget I was breaking down about him just a second ago.

"Y-yeah. I'm good." My voice sounds strained from all my sobbing, you wouldn't need half a brain to tell I'd been crying. "You were crying just a minute ago. I'm letting myself in." Jungkook says, worry lacing his voice as he unlocks the door. I curse myself internally for not checking the door was locked.

I sigh and my breath hitches when Jungkook wraps his arms around my waist, it's just been something he always does. It's unusual, but that's probably something he does to all his friends. Just a friendly gesture.

"Tell me what's wrong, you've been so tense lately. I won't judge you, just let it out." He says soothingly rubbing my back and I choke out a few sobs and sniffles. "I-I- never mind. You'll think I'm weird." I hesitate, I can't tell him. No, not today. (heh) Not any day. He can't find out I have a crush on him.

I don't want a repeat of what happened at my last school. "Something's been bothering you. It's not healthy to bottle it all up." I begin to play with my fingers and contemplate whether I should actually confess. My breathing seems to speed up and a jolt of vertigo runs through me.

"J-j-Jungkook... I.. I-I.." I struggle to get the words out. Jungkook continues to rub my back, his warm hands soothing my trembling form. "Hey, it's okay, just spit it out." He speaks calmly, though his voice sounds eager. Like he's hoping for something. "I l-like y-you.." I say quietly, pulling my face away from his and into my hands as if I was a scared puppy.

"I feel the same.." My eyes widen and I meet his gaze. Is he serious? It seems genuine. "I thought going out with girls and spending time away from you would take it away, I thought you were straight and so I hated myself for liking you." Jungkook said shyly, addressing everything he did that led to this.

Now, come to think of it, it makes sense. He tried to distance himself from me, but distance only makes the heart grow stronger. "I thought you were straight too" I said with a chuckle, and he chuckled too, and pulled me into a hug.

We pulled apart and locked eyes. I noticed Jungkook chewing his lip as if he wanted to say something. "What's up?" I asked. "N-nothing, it's just, you're even pretty after you've been crying." I once again hid my face in my hands, blushing like a maniac at his words.

I looked up at him to find him staring at my lips. The two of us inched closer and we were only centimeters apart. "May I?" He whispered and I knew exactly what he meant. We broke the distance with a loving kiss and at that moment I truly felt on top of the world.

Who would've thought after a whole two months spent pining and crying over my hot roommate who I thought I had absolutely no chance with, I'd end up in his arms on my bedroom floor locking lips with him.

Damnit Jungkook-hyung, you really know how to stress a boy out. "Hey (M/n), wanna watch a movie?" Jungkook asks, running a hand through my soft curls. "Sure, which one?"

"Hmmm,, The Conjuring"



another kiss.

oh shit, steamy make out session?!?!?!

Before I even knew it, Jungkook shut me up with a sweet kiss, then another sweet, chaste kiss. He once again pulled me in to what seemed sweet at first, but slowly turned rough and filled with passion. His lips moved against mine, and I was so engrossed in it that he decided to be sneaky and mess with my nipples, making me gasp which gave him the chance to slip his stupid ass tongue into my mouth. Not gonna lie, it felt good though. Still pissed off that he chose to watch The Conjuring, knowing I'd be scared shitless.

And, apparently shirtless too. Also, apparently cuddling into his hard ass chest and being so damn close to his washboard abs. Damn. Let's just say, we didn't get any movie watching done that night.

We didn't have sex either. We just.. cuddled, and enjoyed each other's presence, and I enjoyed Kookie's abs.
A/n: how's y'all? enjoy this semi angsty semi fluffy semi steamy lil thing here. This is actually kinda based on something I experienced, of course it wasn't with Jungkook and didn't end nearly as happy as this but yknow whatevs. Having a crush on a straight guy is the worst thing in the fucking world. Especially since most straight guys are absolute dicks smh. Most though, not all.

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