Ditchin' It (Yoongi)

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(M/n)'s POV:

Don't get me wrong here, parties are great. Especially when your boyfriend, with a high alcohol tolerance, is there to drive you home and be caring and affectionate, which, knowing Yoongi, you'd know he isn't like that to most.

Except his close six friends and me, of course. Anyway tonight we're out at this janky, neon nightclub with said six friends, they're all out doing what they do and Yoongi and I are here getting hella bored. "Yoongles, you bored too?" I asked my boyfriend, who seemed to look half asleep amongst the contrast of the lively party atmosphere surrounding us. Without warning, he smirked cunningly and picked me up bridal style, making me gasp audibly. "Yoongi what the fuck are you doing?"

"What do you think? We're ditchin'" He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Seriously, a minute ago this guy looked half asleep, now he's carrying me in his arms and running through the parking lot of this nightclub like a child on a suga(r) high."Yoongi, if we take the car, how will the boys get home?" I asked, being the paranoid boyfriend I am. "Calm down (M/n) babe they can get a taxi or something, those drunkards can figure it out themselves" He laughed it off like it was nothing.

Honestly, he was right. The boys are smart enough to work out how to get home without the car. While I was pondering on whether or not to go ahead with escaping this party, Yoongi was busy fumbling his pockets for the car keys.

"Ah, there they are. Now hop on in silly" Yoongi ushered me in, and I hopped in the passenger seat next to him. He started the car and the familiar hum of the engine roared on and the two of us drove off down the nightly highway.

The night ride felt so special. Definitely one I'll remember.

The reds, blues, yellows, greens, oranges and purples of the street signs and lights on buildings reflecting on Yoongi's skin making him look almost ethereal, the quiet hum of the radio in the background making it feel like some low budget coming of age movie made by starving artist college students.

Yoongi's POV
Once we were at a red light, I took the chance to take a look at my beautiful boyfriend, (M/n). His eyes sparkled with the streetlights, the circular glasses he wore made his eyes look like precious jewels behind a sheet of glass in a museum.

I wasn't even sure where we were going, it was just a spur of the moment decision to ditch the annoying party and crowd. But I loved every minute of this drive with (M/n), spending time with him made everything so worth it.

I realised I had spent too long admiring my boy since the dude behind me beeped his horn, and the light had turned green. I quickly drove off down the street to avoid the person behind me beeping again.

"Min Yoongi's in dreamland I see?" (M/n) teased, raising his brow amusedly. I tsked at him in playful annoyance. The highway was coming to a close, and a side route leading to a lighthouse up ahead revealed itself in our view. "Hey, what do you say we spend some time at that lighthouse?" I suggested, (M/n) thought on it, typical (M/n) always thinking it through, and then agreed. "Sure, that sounds lovely" He cooed, bringing his hands up to his chest, extra as always.

We're the exact opposite, but so similar in so many ways. He's over dramatic and loves ring the centre of attention, meanwhile I'm more reserved and enjoy staying on the sidelines. The one thing we have in common is our hatred for crowds and the loud, overwhelming 'party' atmosphere.

We both share the enjoyment of staying inside, listening to music that isn't speaking breaking level loud, taking naps and hand holding. And cuddling. He's mostly little spoon cause I like feeling manly, but I'm little spoon every once in a while too. I never thought he'd be the one, being one of Jungkook's friends I expected (M/n) to be just as 'out there' as the maknae. Turns out he's just my type.

I took the turn into the lighthouse and parked on the side of the path leading up to it. We got out of the car and it was colder than we expected it to be. Poor (M/n) didn't bring a jacket so I gave him mine since I had quite a thick hoodie under it. "Thanks Yoongles" He giggled cutely, reaching up and booping my nose.

"How many times have I told you to stop calling me Yoongles?" I joked. "Actually, none tonight. So that means I can call you Yoongles hehe" (M/n) teased. With that we made our way to the lighthouse and the view from it was absolutely breathtaking.

Across the water we could see the millions of multicoloured streetlights, reflecting and shining on into the body of water below the platform we were on. The two of us walked over to the railing, and I held (M/n) from behind. He let out a satisfied sigh, something he only did when he was truly happy. This made me break out into a gummy smile.

"You're so cuteeeeee!" (M/n) turned around and pinched my cheeks. "Alright, alright babe that's enough of that" I chuckled, and he pouted and let go of my now red cheeks. "Aw why you pouting? Hmmm I have a cure for that!" I added, planting many soft kisses on his lips until he gave in and stopped pouting.

He joined in and before we knew it, the two of us shared a passionate kiss on that lighthouse. It was definitely something out of a movie. We really just ditched our friends at a nightclub to make out at a beautiful lighthouse and this night couldn't have gone any better than it did.
A/n: hey y'all Yoongi stans here's this. Also sorry if updates come few and far between for the next few days, I'm in the process of getting a new phone and selling this old one off and updating on computer is so annoying lmao. But don't worry, I'll be back to updating frequently shortly, Don't kill me pls.



also i hope everyone who went to the rose bowl show had fun i'm so salty i couldn't go ahakansjkssk

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