Valentine's Day (All 7)

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Third Person
It was Valentine's Day today and the whole of BTS decided on calling their good friend (M/n) over. Since they were all single and so was he, it was just so they can commiserate and cry about being single together, nothing else. That was what (M/n) thought.

The boys had another plan in mind. They've all had strong feelings for him and little by little everyone in Bangtan found out about their shared crush. The time finally felt right and now they just had to make sure (M/n) would be okay with a poly relationship. He always showed signs of liking all of them, but for a long time they just thought he was a very affectionate boy. But I guess they're starting to catch on.

Jimin's POV
Jin tasked me with getting everyone up since I was so excited I woke up before everyone, Jin himself shortly after.

Today was Valentine's day, and finally, if everything goes right, I'll have the man of my dreams, well all of our dreams. That's right. All seven of us.

"Hey, wake up Hobi-hyung, remember what day it is today?" Hoseok groaned, slightly annoyed but still obliging and sitting up in his bed. "It's Valentine's Day aHHHH YAY" I jumped from the sudden energy from Hobi. Didn't he just wake up? Hehe he must be just as excited as me.

I then hesitantly made my way to Yoongi's room, he was certainly the scariest when woken up. "Hey, Yoongi, please wake up" I nudged him gently. "No. And it's hyung to you." He seemed like his usual salty self. "Yoongi-hyung it's Valentine's Day" I pleaded with him. "Wait what? Damn okay guess I'll need to wake up." He slumped out of bed tiredly, dragging each step out before plopping on the couch looking like an angry bulldog.

"Joonie-hyung, wake up, you know what day it is right?" I said through the door and opened it only to find him already awake, wrapping up (M/n)'s gifts we bought for him, I noticed Jungkook was there too, and told them both to go downstairs once they were done.

"Taehyung, wake up silly alien boy" "Why? I was having a really nice dream" he whined. "You know what day it is right?" I asked him to which he smirked playfully, wiggling his eyebrows.  "It is Wednesday my dudessss, AAAAAAH" He said and I facepalmed. "Nice try silly, it's Thursday. And it's Valentine's-" "WAIT REALLY OHMYGOD OHMYGOD (M/n)m's COMING OVER!" He exclaimed and ran down the stairs, Namjoon, Kookie and I following after.


Jin's POV
Once Jimin got everyone up, we set up the front room and I got the food ready. We each got him something special, I got him an apron that says 'Worldwide Handsome #2' on it to match with mine that says, you guessed it, 'Worldwide Handsome #1'.

Yoongi got him a neck pillow that was pink and fluffy, just like (M/n) when we made him blush.

Hoseok got him a necklace with a sunshine charm on it, (M/n) always looked so cute with necklaces on.

RM got him some chocolates, stereotypical but still sweet. Literally.

Jimin got them both promise rings, how fitting.

Tae got him a bouquet of flowers and a tiger onesie.

Jungkook really got him some matching Timberlands. Ugh his mind.

Soon enough, once everything was ready we sat down, not for long though since the bell rung. We all gathered and hid the gifts in the kitchen, and closed the door so he wouldn't see it. "Hey hyungs, happy Valentine's Day" he chirped, and did a little twirl making finger hearts. Aww baby.

(M/n)'s POV
I greeted everyone and wished them a happy Valentine's Day. They invited me over to just spend a day being sad and single but really, I wouldn't mind dating any of them. All even if I were really lucky. Really sometimes I wonder what I did to be even friends with such attractive men.

We had a few drinks and Jin cooked my favorite food, it was so good as always. We all plopped on the massive couch and I sat on the end, Yoongi then mouthed something to Joon and pushed me into the middle. Mhm, weird.

"What was that for?" I said, slightly startled. "Ohh, you'll see." Hoseok said winking at me.

"Mhm. Okay. By the way guys since we're having a movie night, I got you all something." I said, handing each of them a gift bag.

In each bag was a blanket with their nickname on it. Eomma Jin, Suga, Hobi Sunshine, Joonie, Chim Chim, Taetae, and Kookie.

"Oh my god, it's so cute!" Jungkook exclaimed, they all reacted similarly, except Yoongi who attacked me with a hug. That's weird, he's basically the least touchy person, not really one for physical contact.

After a little while of them fanboying over my gifts, Jin and Namjoon disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a bunch of boxes, wrapped with wrapping papaer with hearts on it.

Namjoon came up to me with a warm smile. "I want to speak on behalf of all of us. I'm not sure how you're going to take this but, we all really like you. More than a friend" I blushed furiously as he spoke, all of them nodding in approval. "We really, really like you." Jimin added, taking my hands in his. Holy hell. Am I dreaming?

"Anyway, as I was saying. Will you be up for a poly relationship with us?" He asked, a loving hopefulness glimmering in all of their eyes. "Yes, yes oh my god." "Phew." Suga sighed in relief and we all burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was so warm and heart fluttering it felt like the room was engulfing me into a gentle hug.

Jin then handed each boy a box, and handed me his first, I opened it and went down the line till I opened everyone's gift, I got bold and gave them all a kiss, every kiss was different.

Jin's was soft and fluffy, his lips felt like heaven against my own.

Yoongi's was slightly more harsh, he put his hand on the back of my head when he kissed me and it was all so passionate.

Hoseok's was rhythmic, almost like our lips were dancing together in perfect harmony.

Namjoon's was fluffy and protective, he gave me his dimpled smile and his cheeks were just as flushed as mine.

Jimin's was pleasurable and tantalizing, his plump lips felt godly.

Taehyung's was exciting and bursting with passion and I could tell he practiced making out with his hand a lot.

Jungkook's was blissful but teasing, he swiped his tongue against my bottom lip and bit it lightly before pulling away and giving me his bunny smile.

Each one of their gifts and kisses too were unique to them, and that's just how I loved it. I was truly having the best Valentine's Day ever.
A/n: Happy Valentine's Day all!! This is a little bit of a special one I guess. I hope you enjoyed it :)). I'm spending today alone reading fanfics right here on Wattpad haha but if anyone wants an emo ass boyfriend I'm here sksksk

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