Chapter 94: Amani

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Amani clenched her nails into Van's vest as he sat on the edge of the small cot. He held her over his lap as he unlocked the shackle around her ankle. She looked at the dried blood splattered over his arms and dotted his shirt. "You''re bleeding."

He looked at her and a small smile tugged at his lips. "It's not my blood. Don't worry about me," he said and rubbed her ankle to soothe the soreness of her muscles.

Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. "I'm sorry you had to come back to this place. I-I had no idea your parents kept you in here."

His eyes softened and he slid a hand to her cheek. "I would've gone to the pits of hell to get you back, Amani." He looked away from her and scanned the room. "You never should've seen this." He looked at her with his eyes full of guilt. "I'm sorry."

She put her hand over his. "It's not your fault," she said as she pressed her forehead against his, "I love you."

He let out a slow breath, "I love you too."

"I don't mean to break up your moment, but we need to move," Brody called from the door. He pulled a blanket from the knapsack on his back and tossed it to Van. "It's time for phase three, m'Lord."

Amani frowned as Van wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. "Phase three? Did you plan this? I-I don't need a blanket. I'm not cold."

"Marie planned this. I wanted to burn this place down for you," he said and tucked the blanket around her. "It's a calming blanket. I know you're not a delicate flower, little witch, but you might go into shock over this. It's not a pretty sight out there."

She shook her head. "I'm sure I've seen worse. I was the girlfriend of a budding gang Lord and I did just shoot a man."

"Mm, I know," he grumbled and stood up with her tucked under his arm, "but humor me. Let me protect you."

Amani wasn't ready for the amount of fallen bodies or the blood staining the walls and floors

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Amani wasn't ready for the amount of fallen bodies or the blood staining the walls and floors. She buried her face into Van's side and tried to calm her queasy stomach. She'd seen plenty of dead bodies, but they were from gunshots. Not...not mutilated like this.

"It's alright, just close your eyes," Van whispered. "We're almost out of here."

She jumped from the sound of a strangled cry. "Where the bloody hell do you think you're going?!" Catriona screamed.

Guns clicked as their agents moved closer around them in a protective barrier against the crazed woman.

"I-I'll call the police! I'll put you in jail for this!" Catriona roared.

"Lady Blarcum put down your gun," Brody growled in front of them.

"No! You're not leaving with that woman and my grandchild. It's mine."

Van held Amani tight. "You have no power over me anymore, Catriona."

"Yes, I bloody do, you worthless piece of shite. I own your manor  and you can't take Blarcum Industries away from me! You may have Oberman and Ganson. But Blarque Trust and I will crush you and your pitiful attempt to gain control," she seethed. "If you walk out that door, I'll take everything from you. You're nothing without me."

Amani had enough. Rage and adrenaline pulsed through her. How dare she call him worthless? Catriona actually had the audacity to keep lying to him about everything. She pushed out of Van's arms and pierced Catriona with a deadly glare. "You don't own the manor, Catriona and Blarque Trust would never support you against Van," she growled.

Catriona burst out laughing. "And how would you know?"

Amani clenched her fists at her side. "I own Blarque Trust and I would never side with you."

The gun in Catriona's hands shook as the realization of her dire predicament washed over her. "You''re lying! You couldn't possibly own that trust!" she yelled and cocked her gun. "It doesn't matter because you're not leaving."

"Lady Blarcum, drop your weapon!" a voice boomed from the entrance of the estate and a wave of police officers filtered into the foyer with their guns raised.

Catriona looked around her and tears pricked her eyes. "Oh thank God you're here. They...they broke into my house! Look what they've done to my security," she wailed. "Arrest them officers!"

The lead officer kept his stone gaze on Catriona. "We're not here for them, m'Lady. You're being arrested for kidnapping and as far as we're concerned, this attack was self-defense."

Catriona slowly turned her gaze back on Van and Amani and the look of pure evil in her eyes made Amani shudder. Catriona's composure shattered and her true malicious persona was all that was left of her. She raised her gun again. "If you arrest me, they're not leaving this house alive."

Van pulled Amani back into his arms and she buried her face in his side as a loud bang echoed through the foyer along with Catriona's blood curdling scream.

"You shot me! You bloody shot me!"

"Lady Catriona Blarcum, you're under arrest for the kidnapping of Amani Blake and attempted murder of Lord Van Blarcum and Amani Blake."

"Fuck," Van let out a shaky breath as held her tight. "It's okay, it's over now," he mumbled into her hair.

Amani peered over Van's arm to watch Catriona struggle against the handcuffs as the police dragged her from the floor. A sense of relief and joy washed over her at the sight of the bullet wound in her leg. Karma had finally found its way to that wretched woman. Van was finally free. She looked up at him and slowly slid her hand to his cheek. "Let's go home," she whispered as she wiped the tear rolling down his cheek.

He nodded and kissed her head. "Of course, little witch."

"You heard, Beauty. Let's get the Lord and Lady home." Brody called out to the agents, "Make sure to let the press see them."

Amani frowned. "The press?"

Van sighed and she could see the relief and exhaustion in his eyes. "Yes, I'm sorry, but this is the only way to get rid of Catriona for good."

A small smile tugged at her lips and pride filled her heart. "Don't apologize, Van. You're walking out of this house a free man. Hold your head high, my love. It's all over."

"I love you so much, Amani." A tired smile spread across his lips as he slid a hand over her stomach. "Let's get you and baby home."

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