Chapter 89: Van

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God, how did I get so lucky?

Van kissed Amani's forehead and watched her sleeping face. Who knew she'd be the one to come into his life and destroy the fortress he'd built around his heart for so long. He trailed his fingers over her cheek and a smile tugged at his lips. This beautiful and intelligent, little witch. She was definitely the one he wanted to share his life with and now they were going to have a baby.

I'm going to be a father. That thought absolutely terrifies me.

He closed his eyes and shook his head. He wasn't going to treat their child like his father treated him. He nuzzled his face in Amani's curls and she wouldn't treat their child like his mother. Their baby would always know how much they loved them. He or she would never feel like a tool or an unwanted object.

This is my chance to be a good father like Benny was to me.

He twirled a few of her curls around his finger and tightened his arm around her waist. He would keep his mother away from their child too. No one could know about their baby until he dealt with that vile woman. He wouldn't let anything happen to either of them.

He knew his mother would be devious enough to hold his child over his head. Especially, with the litigation suit. Daryl told him her lawyers would have the notice any day now. He didn't want Catriona to think she had any leverage over him besides the manor. She didn't need to know there was an heir to the Blarcum name.

Amani's body shook and a delightful giggle escaped her lips. He frowned and looked down at her amused face. "What are you laughing about?" He grinned. She was so weird. Who woke up laughing?

"The idea of us trying to act like friends after this." She laughed and slid her fingers to his cheek. "I don't know if my hormones will allow me to pretend anymore."

He chuckled softly. "No, little witch, we'll always be friends, but this is more than that now."

"Good." She frowned and looked away from him at the small loft. She sat up and looked toward the balcony overlooking the vast meadow. "Where are we?"

He sat up and gathered her in his arms. He rested his chin on top of her head and watched the setting sun over the meadow. "We're still at the cottage. We're just in the loft."

"Where's Nova? Oh, I completely forgot about her!" Amani gasped and tried to push out of his arms.

He laughed and held her to him. "Daddy didn't forget about our daughter." He grinned and kissed her ear. "I let her out a little while ago while you were still sleeping. She's fine."

She looked back at him as if she just realized he was clothed. She bit her lip and tried to hide the blush swelling on her cheeks. "Well, I guess one of us has to be the responsible parent. You're going to be a good dad."

What she said was so simple, but it went straight to his heart. He shook his head and let out a slow breath. "Amani, I'm terrified I'm going to be just like my father, like my parents."

She looked at him with such conviction in her doe brown eyes. "You're nothing like them, Van. You were raised by two people who love you very much. You're more like Lydia and Benny than your horrid parents. Don't you ever compare yourself to them." She slid her hands over his cheeks, her eyes softened and filled with a tenderness he was slowly realizing he deserved. "You're going to be an amazing father. You're too good-hearted to ever treat our child like Catriona and Gaelen treated you."

His heart swelled and tears stung the corners of his eyes. It surprised him every time she had that look in her eyes. The look that said she truly believed in him. The look that made him believe in himself. "Thank you for saying that. I just don't want to mess this up."

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