Chapter 25: Amani

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Amani's watch and phone vibrated simultaneously and shattered the peaceful silence of the morning. She groaned, pressing ignore on her watch, and slid her hand from under the blankets to silence the alarm on her phone. She sat up, pushed her hair out of her face and pulled a long piece of hay out of it. Her eyes grew wide. She was sleeping in the stables with Max and...Lord Blarcum. 

How did I get in my bed?

He must've carried her inside. She blushed and covered her face. No one had ever carried her to bed like that. She'd always been self-conscious of her body. She wasn't exactly the lightest person. She may have a slim waist but that was about it. She was thick and curvy everywhere else.

God, why didn't he just leave me there?

She groaned and pulled her knees to her chest while her mind drifting to their awkward encounter. She cringed. She shouldn't have talked to him like that. She had no business opening her mouth about her ridiculous issues, but he listened and it was nice to talk to someone other than Jade.

She rested her chin on her knees. Lord Blarcum was right. She was thousands of miles away from Tye. She could just turn off social media and she wouldn't have to concern herself with him or his drama.

'You're too special for that.' She bit her lip. What did he mean by that? She asked him, but he'd already fallen asleep by the time the words left her lips.

A small grin spread graced her lips at the memory of Lord Blarcum's sleeping face. The way his wavy hair fell over his forehead. She couldn't stop herself from touching his silky brown locks to brush them out of his face. She'd never seen him look so content. He always had a frown or a scowl on that handsome face. It was hard not to be captivated by him.

The rise and fall of Max's side and the soft rhythm of his breathing put her mind at ease and lulled her to sleep. The only thing she remembered was feeling safe and warm on the dirt and hay-covered floor. She had slept in some dicey places before, but in that moment, she didn't want to be anywhere else.

A firm knock on her door interrupted her inappropriate thoughts. She blushed, thankful for the intrusion. She shouldn't be thinking about how safe and content she felt in his presence. She scrambled out of her bed and padded to the door.

"Good morning, Miss Blake." Sara smiled and bowed her head.

"Um, good morning. Is everything alright?" She frowned and wondered if she was late for something again. She checked her watch. They weren't meant to leave for the tournament until one. She had plenty of time.

"Everything's fine, Miss. Mr. Auld wanted me to make sure you've got everything you need for the weekend."

"Th-the weekend?"

Sara nodded as she moved past her into her room. She spied the hay littered across her bed and chuckled. "Oh, yes. The tournament is tomorrow, but you and Lord Blarcum will be traveling to Edinburgh today and returning Sunday."

"What? That's not in the calendar," she said as she scrolled through the calendar on her watch to check the appointment for the day. There was no information about a weekend event.

"Yes, Mr. Auld only just realized his mistake this morning. That's why I'm here." Sara smiled and held out a piece of paper for her to take.

Amani took the paper and read over the itinerary for the weekend. There was a reception at the golf club that evening, the tournament was all day on Saturday followed by another reception and she and Lord Blarcum would return Sunday morning.

Oh, dear God

She had to go away the whole weekend with Lord Blarcum.


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