Chapter 57: Van

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Van yawned as he walked down the steps of the manor. He couldn't sleep. He'd been tossing and turning all night. His mind had been on the bloody getaway Rebecca was planning and he'd been so worried about Amani.

He wanted to check on her, but Marie assured him she was fine. She was just suffering from a bad hangover. He couldn't help but feel that she didn't come out of her rooms because of him. He couldn't blame her. He shouldn't have taken her to his bed.

He groaned and ran a hand over his face. He had to keep his damn emotions in check around her. It was good she didn't come out today. He was not in the right mind to deal with Rebecca, let alone if Amani was in the room with them.

Van chuckled to himself. He would've been too captivated by her. It was bad enough his mind kept drifting to the way she felt in his arms while Rebecca was droning on about her getaway plans. That woman really thought a trip to Spain was going to rekindle some real feelings. Rebecca was so fucking delusional. He could see through all of her bloody charms now.

Fuck. Everyone is right.

He needed to get out of this engagement. There was no way he'd survive a marriage to her. He cringed. He couldn't even stand it when she touched him. It made his skin crawl. He couldn't do this to himself. He had to find another way to protect the manor.

How can I get out of this? I can hire an assassin to kill my mother.

He grinned. He could have her poisoned. It would be a quick and painless death, then he could get on with his life.

Get it together, Blarcum.

He couldn't kill his mother. That would be too easy for her. If he was going to get out of this, he was going to make that woman suffer. Just like she'd done to him. That meant he'd have to start getting more involved with the company again. He had to start schmoozing the shareholders.

Bloody hell. I can't stand those fuck wits.

They were greedy, sneaky and they cared too much about profit margins rather than the quality of investments. They were too bloody short-sighted. He slowed his pursuit to the stables.

Can I really do this?

It was the only way to make his mother suffer. She'd think he was finally bending to her will and once he'd gained enough support, he would snatch the ownership away from her. Then he'd finally be free to do as he bloody pleased.

This is it, Blarcum. Operation: Freedom is now in effect. Fuck this marriage and fuck dealing with bloody irritating Rebecca.

He'd play the game and he'd play it well. But in the meantime, he would stack his corner and gain favor with the company. He just had to drag out this engagement to give him time.

He nodded to himself and continued his walk to the stables. His steps slowed again and a smile curved over his lips at the curly haired beauty standing next to Max's pen. He could deal with the pesky shareholders as long as Amani was by his side.

Van frowned. What was she doing out here anyway? He slowly walked toward her. Her eyes were closed and her face was pressed against Max's neck. Her fingers were slowly combing through his blonde mane. A blush burned over his cheeks at the black jumper she was wearing.

She...she still has that?

He grinned. The damn thing swallowed her body, but there was something so sexy about her wearing his clothes.

"And what are you doing out here so late, little witch?" he teased. Her nickname rolled off his tongue before he could stop it.

Stop calling her that *out loud*, Blarcum!

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