Chapter 78: Van

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Van begrudgingly packed his suitcase. He couldn't believe it was already the dreadful day he had to travel to the Fifes' estate. In the bloody south to Dorset. He hated travelling down there where all the southern snobbery lived. The north-specifically Scotland-was the best part of this country.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could handle this. He wasn't staying with those vile people for ten whole days. Not when he knew his little witch would be in Italy without him.

Fuck. How am I going to get Rebecca to let me leave?

He grinned. He'd just be himself. She wouldn't like him being disinterested in her or hiding away from the other Mionlach plebs. It wouldn't bode well for her lifestyle blog. And if Declan was there, Van might be able to catch those nasty fucks in the act. He could hold that bloody evidence over her head. She'd be too afraid he'd leak that information to her little groupies. It would shatter that glamorous lie she'd been telling them.

That I cheated on her, realized my mistake and came crawling back to her because I can't live without her.

Van didn't care what people thought of him. He knew who he was. But this would kill Rebecca's reputation and she would fall from grace. The Mionlach could overlook rumors but they couldn't overlook evidence. They'd shun Rebecca and she'd no longer be their perfect little Princess.

And that scares the bloody shite out of her.

He picked up a book from his bedside table and stared at the black metallic embossed lettering of The Duke of Aberdeen. If all else failed, at least this would be a good time to figure out why Amani was so obsessed with this damn book. He slid the book in his suitcase and zipped it up. He looked around his room to make sure he had everything he needed. Satisfied. He opened the door and slipped out. He walked down the hall just as Amani emerged from her room with Nova wagging her tail behind her.

A smile tugged at his lips. He couldn't fail. He couldn't let his little witch spend New Year's without him. It was the start of a new year and new beginnings.

And I want to make a new beginning with her.

"Are you ready for this shitshow?" She smiled as Nova ran toward him her heavy paws thumping against the wood.

She was getting so big. He grinned and knelt down to the rambunctious pup. "I'm as ready as I can be." He chuckled and ruffled Nova's ears. "You have to be good for your Mum while I'm gone," he said as she whined and sniffed his suitcase beside him.

"She's going to be a mess with you gone. I don't know if I want to leave her with Lydia and Benny when we're both away." She sighed and bit her thumb with worry. "I-I should book her on the flight with me."

He laughed and stood from the floor. "She'll be fine. Lydia and Benny know how to deal with restless children. They raised me just fine. She'll get all the attention she needs."

"I know," she grumbled. "But this is the first time we're both leaving her like this."

"And she'll be just fine when we come back." Amani was so adorable when she worried over Nova. She really treated her like their child and damn if she wasn't a good mother. "What's that you've got under your arm anyway?"

Her eyes lit up. The worry fading from them and a mischievous grin spread across her lips. "This is your mini spy kit."

"My what?"

"Come on, I'll explain everything." She smiled and walked down the steps to the foyer as he and Nova following after her. "I've put together a mini surveillance kit for you. You might as well spy on Rebecca while you're being held hostage." She unzipped the case and his eyes grew wide at the gadgets secured inside of it.

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