Chapter 18: Amani

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Amani couldn't help herself. She burst out laughing as she shoved her underwear back in the shopping bag. The look on Lord Blarcum's face and the absurdity of the situation had her in stitches.

"I-I'm sorry, Amani,"  he stammered and without another word he marched out of her room and shut the door.

What the hell was that?

She looked after him, shaking her head as she wiped her tears. That man was so strange.

She didn't understand why he needed to check her clothes. All because she'd borrowed golf clubs? She didn't need any, she certainly didn't plan on playing golf that much. It was a waste of money. She picked up the bag from her bed and blushed. She couldn't believe he got his hand caught in her damn panties! That was so embarrassing, but served his dumb ass right. 

He shouldn't have rummaged through my things!

She knew he was the overlord of this house and he had a right to know what his money was being spent on, but he could have some damn decorum about it. The next time she bought anything, she would give him an itemized list. At least that would keep him from barging into her room every time she bought something on sale.

Her phone lit up and vibrated on her night stand. She looked at the message and rolled her eyes.

Lord Blarcum >>You will buy new golf clubs for yourself.<<

Amani >>I don't need golf clubs.<<

For heaven's sake what was the big deal?

Lord Blarcum >> You better have your own clubs by Friday. That's an order.<<

She glared at her phone. An order? She didn't like that. He was her boss, but it didn't mean he got to order her around like that.

Amani >>I don't take orders from controlling assholes like you. <<

No, Amani! Erase!

She took a deep breath. She couldn't answer him like that, but maybe that attitude of his was why his ex left him at the altar.

That was mean. Gerard had said he wasn't always like this. She sighed, looking at the ceiling. It didn't mean she had to accept his attitude.

Amani >>Fine. As you wish, Your Highness.<<


That was snarky enough. She put her phone back on her night stand. She pulled her blankets back and climbed onto the plush mattress. She snuggled under her blankets and closed her eyes. She decided the only way to combat Lord Blarcum's gruff attitude and that stoicism was to challenge it. She wasn't going to let him walk all over her just because he had an ego complex from being dumped. 

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