Chapter 33: Van

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Van groaned. His head was pounding. He slid his eyes open and froze. The smell of shea butter and the intoxicating scent of Amani's flowery perfume filled his senses.


He sucked in a breath at the feel of her curly hair tickle his chin and her warm body pressed against his side. His heart stuttered. His hands were, of course, in completely inappropriate places. One was splayed across the top of her bare back, his fingers tangled in her soft curls and the other was cupping her ass, naturally.

Amani's hand rested across his chest and her fingers wrapped around the loosened knot in his cravat. Her leg was curled loosely around on of his and her knee was inches from grazing against his member while her bare foot was snuggled under the bend in his knee.

Fuck...not *again*.

How did they end up like this? Why were they still at Hamdi and Marie's? What the fuck happened last night?

He closed his eyes and tried to remember anything from the night before. The last thing he remembered was the bloody beer pong.

This is Marie's fault.

He opened his eyes again to look at Amani's sleeping face and a smile tugged at his lips. He would never admit this to Hamdi or Marie, but he was happy he woke up like this.

He gently massaged the back of her head and caressed some of her hair between his fingers. It was so soft and she smelled so good. He breathed in her heavenly scent. It wasn't such a bad thing waking up to this beauty in his arms.

Yes, it is, Blarcum. Take your bloody hand off her ass.

He must still be drunk. How could he be so reckless to wake up with her like this? What was he thinking?

He lifted his hand from her bottom and slowly untangled his fingers from her hair. He stilled and held his breath to make sure she kept sleeping. He slowly moved his wrist to his face to check his watch.

It's still early.

He needed to get out of here. He needed to sober up before the dreaded brunch. He carefully plucked Amani's hand from his chest and tucked it under her chin. She stirred and he froze.

Please dear God, don't wake up.

He clenched his eyes shut and kept perfectly still. She smacked her lips and curled her leg tighter around his. She sighed and began to snore softly.

A stifled giggle from the kitchen broke the silence in the air. Van slowly turned his head toward the culprit and glared. Marie was sitting at the breakfast bar with a coffee in her hand watching him.

"Think you're stuck," she whispered. He raised two fingers to her in the shape of a 'V' and she covered her mouth as her shoulders shook to fight her laughter.

That woman. 

She played her own little games too. She was the bloody one who talked him into dating Rebecca in the first place, but he'd never held that against her. It wasn't all her fault. Rebecca played her mind games on Marie too.

Van held his breath again and slowly untangled his leg from Amani's as he slid from the couch to the floor. He laid there for a few minutes before he sat up and watched her peaceful slumber. She shivered slightly and he reached over her to tuck a blanket around her.

She hugged the soft fabric under her chin. "Mm, thank you," she murmured and turned away from him to snore softly again.

He shook his head. The little witch had manners even in her sleep. He stood from the floor and joined Marie in the kitchen. "What the hell? I was only supposed to stay for one drink," he whispered harshly and poured himself a cup of coffee.

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