Chapter 60: Amani

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"Tye what the fuck! You have to stop calling me," Amani hissed as she threw her blankets off and got out of bed.

He'd been calling her off and on and it was starting to affect her damn mood. She ignored and blocked the calls from random unknown numbers but he wouldn't stop. He'd just call from another one and with the time difference she hadn't gotten a full night's sleep all week!

"Then come home, 'Mani. It'll be like old times. I stopped seeing all those girls. I just want you. Don't make me do anything stupid to your family," Tye seethed. "You know I run that turf. It would be a shame if something happened to your little brothers. I'll give you three months to bring your ass home to me," he said and she could hear the smugness in his voice.

"Fuck you," Amani grumbled as she slammed her drawer and pulled on a pair of pants. "Don't fucking threaten my family. I'm not coming home! I have a job and I don't want to be with you!" she hung up the phone and threw it against the wall. She jabbed her feet in her sneakers and grabbed her coat from the back of her door.

She stormed out of her room, ran down the stairs and out the door. She started across the fields to the cottage but shook her head and changed direction for the road to town. She didn't want to go to the cottage. Lord Blarcum would find her and she wasn't ready to talk about this. She just needed air and she needed to think.

She clenched her fists and became even more determined to get away from the manor. That mother fucker threatened her family! She couldn't believe he had the audacity to tell her he could have them 'removed' and gave her an ultimatum!

Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. Tye was there when her father passed away. He knew how much that broke her family. They were lost without her dad. He was the optimist of the family. He could always find a silver lining in any situation. When he died, her mother fell apart and Amani had to pick up the pieces.

She took care of all of them, but kept her promise to her father to get her education and follow her dreams, but her mother had never been the same. The boys adjusted, but her mother never got that spark in her eyes again. If anything happened to Lane or Madden, it would probably kill her. Amani angrily wiped a tear from her cheek. She couldn't let that happen.

But I'm not going home.

Tye wasn't going to force her to do that. He claimed he wanted to be with her, but he didn't want that. He just wanted her home to keep his possessive eyes on her.

Fuck that shit.

She needed to call her mother and tell her what was going on. Amani dug her hands into her coat pockets feeling for her phone. She frowned and felt her back pockets.


She groaned and stopped her pursuit. She left her phone and her damn watch in her room! She looked down the road. She was closer to town than the manor at this point.

Fuck it.

It was still early in the States. She didn't need her phone. She'd call her mother later. It was a good thing she didn't have her phone. It was a beautiful sunny day and being unplugged would help her clear her head. Amani took a deep breath and continued down the road. This was just what she needed.

Amani wandered through the cobbled streets of the waking town. The only time she'd been in town was to shop for Lord Blarcum and buy dresses with Marie. She realized she knew next to nothing about Stornoway, just that Lord Blarcum owned it. Doing a little research and exploring would be the perfect thing to do to get her mind off of Tye and his ridiculous threats. She smiled to herself and pushed open a door to a small café. 

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